--[[ =head1 NAME jive.net.Comet - An HTTP socket that implements the Cometd Bayeux protocol. =head1 DESCRIPTION This class implements a HTTP socket running in a L. =head1 SYNOPSIS -- create a Comet socket to communicate with local comet = jive.net.Comet(jnt, "", 9000, "/cometd", "slimserver") -- subscribe to an event -- will callback to func whenever there is an event -- playerid may be nil comet:subscribe('/slim/serverstatus', func, playerid, {'serverstatus', 0, 50, 'subscribe:60'}) -- unsubscribe from an event comet:unsubscribe('/slim/serverstatus', func) -- or unsubscribe all callbacks comet:unsubscribe('/slim/serverstatus') -- send a non-subscription request -- playerid may be nil -- request is a table (array) containing the raw request to pass to SlimServer comet:request(func, playerid, request) -- add a callback function for an already-subscribed event comet:addCallback('/slim/serverstatus', func) -- remove a callback function comet:removeCallback('/slim/serverstatus', func) -- start! comet:connect() -- disconnect comet:disconnect() -- batch a set of calls together into one request comet:startBatch() comet:subscribe(...) comet:request(...) comet:endBatch() =head1 FUNCTIONS =cut --]] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Convention: functions/methods starting with t_ are executed in the thread ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- stuff we use local assert, ipairs, table, pairs, string, tonumber, tostring = assert, ipairs, table, pairs, string, tonumber, tostring local oo = require("loop.simple") local math = require("math") local System = require("jive.System") local CometRequest = require("jive.net.CometRequest") local HttpPool = require("jive.net.HttpPool") local SocketHttp = require("jive.net.SocketHttp") local Timer = require("jive.ui.Timer") local Task = require("jive.ui.Task") local DNS = require("jive.net.DNS") local debug = require("jive.utils.debug") local log = require("jive.utils.log").logger("net.comet") local JIVE_VERSION = jive.JIVE_VERSION -- times are in ms local RETRY_DEFAULT = 5000 -- default delay time to retry connection (5s) local MAX_BACKOFF = 60000 -- don't wait longer than this before retrying (60s) -- jive.net.Comet is a base class module(..., oo.class) -- forward declarations local _addPendingRequests local _sendPendingRequests local _state local _handshake local _getHandshakeSink local _connect local _reconnect local _connected local _getEventSink local _getRequestSink local _response local _disconnect local _handleAdvice local _handleTimer -- connection state local UNCONNECTED = "UNCONNECTED" -- not connected local CONNECTING = "CONNECTING" -- handshake request sent local CONNECTED = "CONNECTED" -- handshake completed local UNCONNECTING = "UNCONNECTING" -- disconnect request sent --[[ =head2 jive.net.Comet(jnt, ip, port, path, name) Creates A Comet socket named I to interface with the given I (a L instance). I is used for debugging and defaults to "". Notifications: cometConnected(self) cometDisconnected(self) =cut --]] function __init(self, jnt, name) log:debug("Comet: __init(", name, ")") -- init superclass local obj = oo.rawnew( self, {} ) obj.uri = false obj.chttp = false obj.rhttp = false obj.jnt = jnt obj.name = name obj.aggressive = false -- agressive reconnects obj.isactive = false -- is the connection active obj.state = UNCONNECTED -- connection state: obj.clientId = nil -- clientId provided by server obj.reqid = 1 -- used to identify non-subscription requests obj.advice = {} -- advice from server on how to handle reconnects obj.failures = 0 -- count of connection failures obj.batch = 0 -- are we batching queries? obj.subs = {} -- all subscriptions obj.pending_unsubs = {} -- pending unsubscribe requests obj.pending_reqs = {} -- pending requests to send with connect obj.sent_reqs = {} -- sent requests, awaiting a response obj.notify = {} -- callbacks to notify -- Reconnection timer obj.reconnect_timer = Timer(0, function() _handleTimer(obj) end, true) -- Subscribe to networkConnected events, which happen if we change wireless networks jnt:subscribe(obj) return obj end -- Enable aggressive reconnections function aggressiveReconnect(self, aggressive) self.aggressive = aggressive end -- setEndpoint: -- I and I are the IP address and port of the HTTP server. -- I is the absolute path to the servers cometd handler and defaults to -- '/cometd'. function setEndpoint(self, ip, port, path) log:debug(self, ": setEndpoint state=", self.state, ", ", ip, ", ", port, ", ", path) local oldState = self.state -- Force disconnection _state(self, UNCONNECTED) self.uri = 'http://' .. ip .. ':' .. port .. path -- Comet uses 2 pools, 1 for chunked responses and 1 for requests self.chttp = SocketHttp(self.jnt, ip, port, self.name .. "_Chunked") self.rhttp = SocketHttp(self.jnt, ip, port, self.name .. "_Request") self.chttp:setPriority(Task.PRIORITY_HIGH) self.rhttp:setPriority(Task.PRIORITY_HIGH) if oldState == CONNECTING or oldState == CONNECTED then -- Reconnect _handshake(self) end end function connect(self) log:debug(self, ": connect state=", self.state) assert(self.uri) self.isactive = true if self.state == CONNECTING or self.state == CONNECTED then -- Already connecting/connected return end if self.state == UNCONNECTING then -- Force disconnection _state(self, UNCONNECTED) end _handshake(self) end function disconnect(self) log:debug(self, ": disconnect state=", self.state) self.isactive = false if self.state == UNCONNECTED or self.state == UNCONNECTING then -- Already disconnecting/unconnected return end if self.state == CONNECTING then -- Force disconnection _state(self, UNCONNECTED) return end _disconnect(self) end function notify_networkConnected(self) if self.state == CONNECTING or self.state == CONNECTED then log:info(self, ": Got networkConnected event, will try to reconnect") -- Force disconnection, and reconnect _state(self, UNCONNECTED) self:connect() else log:debug(self, ": Got networkConnected event, but not currently connected") end end -- Add any pending requests to the request data _addPendingRequests = function(self, data) -- Add any pending subscription requests for i, v in ipairs( self.subs ) do if v.pending then local cmd = { v.playerid or '', v.request } -- Prepend clientId to subscription name local subscription = '/' .. self.clientId .. v.subscription local sub = { channel = '/slim/subscribe', id = v.reqid, data = { request = cmd, response = subscription, priority = v.priority, }, } -- Add callback if not self.notify[v.subscription] then self.notify[v.subscription] = {} end self.notify[v.subscription][v.func] = v.func -- Remove pending status from this sub v.pending = nil table.insert( data, sub ) table.insert( self.sent_reqs, sub ) end end -- Add pending unsubscribe requests for i, v in ipairs( self.pending_unsubs ) do local unsub = { channel = '/slim/unsubscribe', id = v.reqid, data = { unsubscribe = '/' .. self.clientId .. v.subscription, }, } table.insert( data, unsub ) table.insert( self.sent_reqs, unsub ) end -- Clear out pending requests self.pending_unsubs = {} -- Add pending requests for i, v in ipairs( self.pending_reqs ) do local cmd = { v.playerid or '', v.request } local req = { channel = '/slim/request', data = { request = cmd, response = '/' .. self.clientId .. '/slim/request', priority = v.priority, }, } -- Only ask for a response if we have a callback function if v.func then req.id = v.reqid -- Store this request's callback local subscription = '/slim/request|' .. v.reqid if not self.notify[subscription] then self.notify[subscription] = {} end self.notify[subscription][v.func] = v.func table.insert( self.sent_reqs, req ) end table.insert( data, req ) end -- Clear out pending requests self.pending_reqs = {} end -- Send any pending subscriptions and requests _sendPendingRequests = function(self, data) -- add all pending unsub requests, and any others we need to send if not data then data = {} end _addPendingRequests(self, data) -- Only continue if we have some data to send if data[1] then if log:isDebug() then log:debug("Sending pending request(s):") debug.dump(data, 5) end local req = CometRequest( _getRequestSink(self), self.uri, data ) -- always use the long lived connection's (chttp) ip address, otherwise the ip address of rhttp can change from chhtp's. if DNS:isip(self.chttp.t_tcp.address) then log:debug("caching chttp ip address: ", self.chttp.t_tcp.address, " for: ", self.uri) self.rhttp.cachedIp = self.chttp.t_tcp.address end self.rhttp:fetch(req) end end function subscribe(self, subscription, func, playerid, request, priority) local id = self.reqid if log:isDebug() then log:debug(self, ": subscribe(", subscription, " ", func, ", reqid:", id, ", ", playerid, ", ", table.concat(request, ","), ", priority:", priority, ")") end -- Remember subs to send during connect now, or if we get -- disconnected table.insert( self.subs, { reqid = id, subscription = subscription, playerid = playerid, request = request, func = func, priority = priority, pending = true, -- pending means we haven't sent this sub request yet } ) -- Bump reqid for the next request self.reqid = id + 1 -- Send immediately unless we're batching queries if self.state ~= CONNECTED or self.batch ~= 0 then return end -- Send all pending requests and subscriptions _sendPendingRequests(self) end function unsubscribe(self, subscription, func) local id = self.reqid log:debug(self, ": unsubscribe(", subscription, ", ", func, " reqid:", id, ")") -- Remove from notify list if func then -- Remove only the given callback self.notify[subscription][func] = nil else -- Remove all callbacks self.notify[subscription] = nil end -- If we unsubscribed the last one for this subscription, clear it out if self.notify[subscription] then return end log:debug("No more callbacks for ", subscription, " unsubscribing at server") -- Remove from subs list for i, v in ipairs( self.subs ) do if v.subscription == subscription then table.remove( self.subs, i ) break end end -- Add to pending unsubs table.insert(self.pending_unsubs, { reqid = id, subscription = subscription, } ) -- Bump reqid for the next request self.reqid = id + 1 -- Send immediately unless we're batching queries if self.state ~= CONNECTED or self.batch ~= 0 then return end -- Send all pending requests _sendPendingRequests(self) end function request(self, func, playerid, request, priority) local id = self.reqid if log:isDebug() then local _request = {} for i,v in ipairs(request) do _request[i] = tostring(v) end log:debug(self, ": request(", func, ", reqid:", id, ", ", playerid, ", ", table.concat(_request, ","), ", priority:", priority, ")") end -- Add to pending requests table.insert(self.pending_reqs, { reqid = id, func = func, playerid = playerid, request = request, priority = priority, }) -- Bump reqid for the next request self.reqid = id + 1 -- SlimServer.lua may think that we are reconnecting but actually we are not -- because we got reconnect advice of 'none' previously. -- But this request is likely user-initiated so we should try again now. if self.state == UNCONNECTED or self.state == UNCONNECTING then _reconnect(self) end -- Send immediately unless we're batching queries if self.state ~= CONNECTED or self.batch ~= 0 then if self.state ~= CONNECTED then self.jnt:notify('cometDisconnected', self, self.idleTimeoutTriggered) self.idleTimeoutTriggered = nil end return id end -- Send all pending requests _sendPendingRequests(self) return id end function addCallback(self, subscription, func) log:debug(self, ": addCallback(", subscription, ", ", func, ")") if not self.notify[subscription] then self.notify[subscription] = {} end self.notify[subscription][func] = func end function removeCallback(self, subscription, func) log:debug(self, ": removeCallback(", subscription, ", ", func, ")") self.notify[subscription][func] = nil end -- Begin a set of batched queries function startBatch(self) log:debug(self, ": startBatch", self.batch) self.batch = self.batch + 1 end -- End batch mode, send all batched queries together function endBatch(self) log:debug(self, ": endBatch ", self.batch) self.batch = self.batch - 1 if self.batch ~= 0 then return end if self.state ~= CONNECTED then return end -- Send all pending requests and subscriptions _sendPendingRequests(self) end -- Notify changes in connection state _state = function(self, state) if self.state == state then return end -- Stop reconnect timer self.reconnect_timer:stop() -- Set the state before the notifications, so any re-rentrant calls -- work correctly self.state = state log:debug(self, ": state is ", state) if state == CONNECTED then -- Reset error count self.failures = 0 self.jnt:notify('cometConnected', self) elseif state == UNCONNECTED then -- Force connections closed self.chttp:close() self.rhttp:close() self.jnt:notify('cometDisconnected', self, self.idleTimeoutTriggered) self.idleTimeoutTriggered = nil end end _handshake = function(self) log:debug(self, ': _handshake(), calling: ', self.uri) assert(self.state == UNCONNECTED) if not self.isactive then log:info(self, ': _handshake() connection not active') return end -- Go through all existing subscriptions and reset the pending flag -- so they are re-subscribed to during _connect() for i, sub in ipairs( self.subs ) do log:debug("Will re-subscribe to ", sub.subscription) sub.pending = true -- Also remove them from the set of requests waiting to be sent -- They will get readded later and we do not want duplicates for j, request in ipairs(self.sent_reqs) do if sub.reqid == request.id then table.remove( self.sent_reqs, j ) end end end -- Reset clientId self.clientId = nil local data = { { channel = '/meta/handshake', version = '1.0', supportedConnectionTypes = { 'streaming' }, ext = { rev = JIVE_VERSION, uuid = System:getUUID(), }, } } data[1].ext.mac = System:getMacAddress() -- XXX: according to the spec this should be sent as application/x-www-form-urlencoded -- with message= but it works as straight JSON _state(self, CONNECTING) local req = CometRequest( _getHandshakeSink(self), self.uri, data ) self.chttp:fetch(req) end _getHandshakeSink = function(self) return function(chunk, err, cometRequest) if self.state ~= CONNECTING then return end -- On error, print something... if err then log:info(self, ": _handshake error: ", err) -- Try to reconnect according to advice return _handleAdvice(self, cometRequest) end -- If we have data if not chunk then return end local data = chunk[1] -- Update advice if any if data.advice then self.advice = data.advice log:debug(self, ": _handshake, advice updated from server") end if data.successful then self.clientId = data.clientId self.advice = data.advice log:debug(self, ": _handshake OK, clientId: ", self.clientId) -- Rewrite clientId in requests to be resent for i, req in ipairs(self.sent_reqs) do if req.data.response then req.data.response = string.gsub(req.data.response, "/([%xX]+)/", "/" .. self.clientId .. "/") end end -- Continue with connect phase, note we are still not CONNECTED _connect(self) else log:warn(self, ": _handshake error: ", data.error) return _handleAdvice(self) end end end _connect = function(self) log:debug(self, ': _connect()') -- Connect and subscribe to all events for this clientId local data = { { channel = '/meta/connect', clientId = self.clientId, connectionType = 'streaming', }, { channel = '/meta/subscribe', clientId = self.clientId, subscription = '/' .. self.clientId .. '/**', } } -- This will be our last request on this connection, it is now only -- for listening for responses local req = CometRequest( _getEventSink(self), self.uri, data ) self.chttp:fetch(req) end -- Reconnect to the server, try to maintain our previous clientId _reconnect = function(self) log:debug(self, ': _reconnect(), calling: ', self.uri) assert(self.state == UNCONNECTED) if not self.isactive then log:info(self, ': _reconnect() connection not active') return end if not self.clientId then log:debug(self, ": _reconnect error: cannot reconnect without clientId, handshaking instead") return _handshake(self) end local data = { { channel = '/meta/reconnect', clientId = self.clientId, connectionType = 'streaming', }, -- Need to include the /meta/subscribe here just in case the one from the -- /meta/connect was lost (see _connect()) due to a network problem { channel = '/meta/subscribe', clientId = self.clientId, subscription = '/' .. self.clientId .. '/**', } } _state(self, CONNECTING) local req = CometRequest( _getEventSink(self), self.uri, data ) self.chttp:fetch(req) end _connected = function(self) local data = { } -- Add any un-acknowledged requests to the outgoing data for i, v in ipairs(self.sent_reqs) do table.insert(data, v) end _sendPendingRequests(self, data) _state(self, CONNECTED) end function _resetIdleTimer(self) if not self.idleTimeout or self.idleTimeout == 0 then return end if not self.idleTimer then self.idleTimer = Timer( 0, function() if self.state == CONNECTED then log:debug(self, " disconnect after idleTimeout: ", self.idleTimeout) self.idleTimeoutTriggered = true _disconnect(self) end end, true) end self.idleTimer:restart(self.idleTimeout * 1000) end -- if >0, disconnect from server idleTimeout seconds after the most recent request function setIdleTimeout(self, idleTimeout) self.idleTimeout = idleTimeout if not idleTimeout or idleTimeout == 0 then if self.idleTimer then self.idleTimer:stop() end else -- >0 time, adjust timer self:_resetIdleTimer() end end -- sink for chunked connection, handle advice on error _getEventSink = function(self) return function(chunk, err, cometRequest) -- On error, print something... if err then log:info(self, ": _getEventSink error: ", err) -- Try to reconnect according to advice return _handleAdvice(self, cometRequest) end _response(self, chunk) end end -- sink for request connection, resend requests on error _getRequestSink = function(self) return function(chunk, err, cometRequest) -- On error, print something... if err then log:info(self, ": _getRequestSink error: ", err) return _handleAdvice(self, cometRequest) end -- if we have data if chunk then _response(self, chunk) end end end function removeRequest(self, requestId) if self.state == CONNECTED then log:warn("Can't remove sent request while connection is active. ", requestId) return false end --try both sent and pending, since request may have been sent prior to knowing server was down for i, request in ipairs( self.sent_reqs ) do if request.id == requestId then table.remove( self.sent_reqs, i ) return true end end for i, request in ipairs( self.pending_reqs ) do if request.reqid == requestId then table.remove( self.pending_reqs, i ) return true end end log:warn("request not found to remove, unexpected. ", requestId ) end -- handle responses for both request and chunked connections _response = function(self, chunk) -- If we have data if not chunk then return end -- Process each response event for i, event in ipairs(chunk) do -- Remove request from sent queue for i, v in ipairs( self.sent_reqs ) do if v.id == tonumber(event.id) then table.remove( self.sent_reqs, i ) break end end -- Update advice if any if event.advice then self.advice = event.advice log:debug(self, ": _response, advice updated from server") end -- Log response if event.error then log:warn(self, ": _response, ", event.channel, " id=", event.id, " failed: ", event.error) if event.advice then return _handleAdvice(self) end else log:debug(self, ": _response, ", event.channel, " id=", event.id, " OK") end -- Handle response if event.channel == '/meta/connect' then if event.successful then _connected(self) else return _handleAdvice(self) end elseif event.channel == '/meta/disconnect' then if event.successful then -- we may have started CONNECTING again, ignore -- disconnects if we are in the wrong state if self.state == UNCONNECTING then self.clientId = nil _state(self, UNCONNECTED) end else return _handleAdvice(self) end elseif event.channel == '/meta/reconnect' then if event.successful then _connected(self) else return _handleAdvice(self) end elseif event.channel == '/meta/subscribe' then -- no action elseif event.channel == '/meta/unsubscribe' then -- no action elseif event.channel == '/slim/subscribe' then -- no action elseif event.channel == '/slim/unsubscribe' then -- no action elseif event.channel == '/slim/request' and event.successful then -- no action elseif event.channel then local subscription = event.channel local onetime_request = false -- strip clientId from channel subscription = string.gsub(subscription, "^/[0-9A-Za-z]+", "") if string.find(subscription, '/slim/request') then -- an async notification from a normal request if not event.id then log:error("No id. event:") return end subscription = subscription .. '|' .. event.id onetime_request = true end if self.notify[subscription] then log:debug(self, ": _response, notifiying callbacks for ", subscription) for _, func in pairs( self.notify[subscription] ) do log:debug(" callback to: ", func) func(event) end if onetime_request then -- this was a one-time request, so remove the callback self.notify[subscription] = nil end else -- this is normal, since unsub's are delayed by a few seconds, we may receive events -- after we unsubscribed but before the server is notified about it log:debug(self, ": _response, got data for an event we aren't subscribed to, ignoring -> ", subscription) end else log:warn(self, ": _response, unknown error: ", event.error) return _handleAdvice(self) end end end _disconnect = function(self) assert(self.state == CONNECTED) log:debug(self, ': disconnect()') -- Mark all subs as pending so they can be resubscribed later for i, v in ipairs( self.subs ) do log:debug("Will re-subscribe to ", v.subscription, " on next connect") v.pending = true end -- As we are disconnecting we no longer care about waiting for -- a reply from the sent requests self.sent_reqs = {} local data = { { channel = '/meta/disconnect', clientId = self.clientId, } } _state(self, UNCONNECTING) local req = CometRequest( _getRequestSink(self), self.uri, data ) self.rhttp:fetch(req) end -- Decide what to do if we get disconnected or get an error while handshaking/connecting _handleAdvice = function(self, cometRequest) log:info(self, ": handleAdvice state=", self.state) if self.state == UNCONNECTED then -- do nothing return end -- FIXME can handle HTTP errors here -- HTTP authorization failure? if cometRequest and cometRequest:t_getResponseStatus() == 401 then self.jnt:notify('cometHttpError', self, cometRequest) -- keep trying to connect end -- force connection closed _state(self, UNCONNECTED) self.failures = self.failures + 1 local reconnect = self.advice.reconnect or "retry" local retry_interval = tonumber(self.advice.interval) or RETRY_DEFAULT if retry_interval == 0 then -- Retry immediately elseif self.aggressive then -- Retry using a random interval between 1 - advice.interval seconds retry_interval = math.random(1000, retry_interval) else -- Keep retrying after multiple failures but backoff gracefully retry_interval = retry_interval * self.failures if retry_interval > MAX_BACKOFF then retry_interval = MAX_BACKOFF end end if reconnect == 'none' then self.clientId = nil log:info(self, ": advice is ", reconnect, " server told us not to reconnect") else log:info(self, ": advice is ", reconnect, ", connect in ", retry_interval / 1000, " seconds") self.reconnect_timer:restart(retry_interval) end end _handleTimer = function(self) log:debug(self, ": handleTimer state=", self.state, " advice=", self.advice) if self.state ~= UNCONNECTED then log:debug(self, ": ignoring timer while ", self.state) return end local reconnect = self.advice.reconnect or "retry" if reconnect == 'handshake' then _handshake(self) elseif reconnect == 'retry' then _reconnect(self) end end function __tostring(self) return "Comet {" .. self.name .. "}" end --[[ =head1 LICENSE Copyright 2010 Logitech. All Rights Reserved. This file is licensed under BSD. Please see the LICENSE file for details. =cut --]]