#!/usr/bin/perl # Squeezebox Server Copyright 2001-2009 Logitech. # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, # version 2. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # require 5.008_001; use strict; use FindBin qw($Bin); use lib $Bin; use constant SLIM_SERVICE => 0; use constant SCANNER => 1; use constant RESIZER => 0; use constant TRANSCODING => 0; use constant PERFMON => 0; use constant DEBUGLOG => ( grep { /--nodebuglog/ } @ARGV ) ? 0 : 1; use constant INFOLOG => ( grep { /--noinfolog/ } @ARGV ) ? 0 : 1; use constant STATISTICS => ( grep { /--nostatistics/ } @ARGV ) ? 0 : 1; use constant SB1SLIMP3SYNC=> 0; use constant WEBUI => 0; use constant ISWINDOWS => ( $^O =~ /^m?s?win/i ) ? 1 : 0; use constant ISMAC => ( $^O =~ /darwin/i ) ? 1 : 0; use constant HAS_AIO => 0; # Tell PerlApp to bundle these modules if (0) { require 'auto/Compress/Raw/Zlib/autosplit.ix'; } BEGIN { use Slim::bootstrap; use Slim::Utils::OSDetect; Slim::bootstrap->loadModules([qw(version Time::HiRes DBI HTML::Parser XML::Parser::Expat YAML::Syck)], []); # By default, tell Audio::Scan not to get artwork to save memory # Where needed, this is locally changed to 0. $ENV{AUDIO_SCAN_NO_ARTWORK} = 1; }; # Force XML::Simple to use XML::Parser for speed. This is done # here so other packages don't have to worry about it. If we # don't have XML::Parser installed, we fall back to PurePerl. # # Only use XML::Simple 2.15 an above, which has support for pass-by-ref use XML::Simple qw(2.15); eval { local($^W) = 0; # Suppress warning from Expat.pm re File::Spec::load() require XML::Parser; }; if (!$@) { $XML::Simple::PREFERRED_PARSER = 'XML::Parser'; } use Getopt::Long; use File::Path; use File::Spec::Functions qw(:ALL); use Slim::Utils::Log; use Slim::Utils::Prefs; use Slim::Music::Import; use Slim::Music::Info; use Slim::Music::MusicFolderScan; use Slim::Music::PlaylistFolderScan; use Slim::Player::ProtocolHandlers; use Slim::Utils::Misc; use Slim::Utils::OSDetect; use Slim::Utils::PluginManager; use Slim::Utils::Progress; use Slim::Utils::Scanner; use Slim::Utils::Strings qw(string); if ( INFOLOG || DEBUGLOG ) { require Data::Dump; require Slim::Utils::PerlRunTime; } our $VERSION = '7.6.2'; our $REVISION = undef; our $BUILDDATE = undef; our $prefs; our $progress; our $pidfile; my $sqlHelperClass = Slim::Utils::OSDetect->getOS()->sqlHelperClass(); eval "use $sqlHelperClass"; die $@ if $@; sub main { our ($rescan, $playlists, $wipe, $force, $cleanup, $prefsFile, $priority); our ($quiet, $dbtype, $logfile, $logdir, $logconf, $debug, $help, $nodebuglog, $noinfolog, $nostatistics); our $LogTimestamp = 1; my $changes = 0; $prefs = preferences('server'); $prefs->readonly; GetOptions( 'force' => \$force, 'cleanup' => \$cleanup, 'rescan' => \$rescan, 'wipe' => \$wipe, 'playlists' => \$playlists, 'prefsfile=s' => \$prefsFile, 'pidfile=s' => \$pidfile, # prefsdir parsed by Slim::Utils::Prefs 'nodebuglog' => \$nodebuglog, 'noinfolog' => \$noinfolog, 'nostatistics' => \$nostatistics, 'progress' => \$progress, 'priority=i' => \$priority, 'logfile=s' => \$logfile, 'logdir=s' => \$logdir, 'logconfig=s' => \$logconf, 'debug=s' => \$debug, 'quiet' => \$quiet, 'dbtype=s' => \$dbtype, 'LogTimestamp!'=> \$LogTimestamp, 'help' => \$help, ); save_pid_file(); # If dbsource has been changed via settings, it overrides the default if ( $prefs->get('dbtype') ) { $dbtype ||= $prefs->get('dbtype') =~ /SQLite/ ? 'SQLite' : 'MySQL'; } if ( $dbtype ) { # For testing SQLite, can specify a different database type $sqlHelperClass = "Slim::Utils::${dbtype}Helper"; eval "use $sqlHelperClass"; die $@ if $@; } # Start a fresh scanner.log on every scan if ( my $file = Slim::Utils::Log->scannerLogFile() ) { unlink $file if -e $file; } Slim::Utils::Log->init({ 'logconf' => $logconf, 'logdir' => $logdir, 'logfile' => $logfile, 'logtype' => 'scanner', 'debug' => $debug, }); if ($help || (!$rescan && !$wipe && !$playlists && !scalar @ARGV)) { usage(); exit; } # Start/stop profiler during runtime (requires Devel::NYTProf) # and NYTPROF env var set to 'start=no' if ( $ENV{NYTPROF} && $INC{'Devel/NYTProf.pm'} && $ENV{NYTPROF} =~ /start=no/ ) { $SIG{USR1} = sub { DB::enable_profile(); warn "Profiling enabled...\n"; }; $SIG{USR2} = sub { DB::disable_profile(); warn "Profiling disabled...\n"; }; } # Redirect STDERR to the log file. if (!$progress) { tie *STDERR, 'Slim::Utils::Log::Trapper'; } STDOUT->autoflush(1); my $log = logger('server'); ($REVISION, $BUILDDATE) = Slim::Utils::Misc::parseRevision(); $log->error("Starting Squeezebox Server scanner (v$VERSION, r$REVISION, $BUILDDATE) perl $]"); # Bring up strings, database, etc. initializeFrameworks($log); # Set priority, command line overrides pref if (defined $priority) { Slim::Utils::Misc::setPriority($priority); } else { Slim::Utils::Misc::setPriority( $prefs->get('scannerPriority') ); } # Load appropriate DB module my $dbModule = $sqlHelperClass =~ /MySQL/ ? 'DBD::mysql' : 'DBD::SQLite'; Slim::bootstrap::tryModuleLoad($dbModule); if ( $@ ) { logError("Couldn't load $dbModule [$@]"); exit; } if ( $sqlHelperClass ) { main::INFOLOG && $log->info("Squeezebox Server SQL init..."); $sqlHelperClass->init(); } if (!$force && Slim::Music::Import->stillScanning) { msg("Import: There appears to be an existing scanner running.\n"); msg("Import: If this is not the case, run with --force\n"); msg("Exiting!\n"); exit; } # pull in the memory usage module if requested. if (main::INFOLOG && logger('server.memory')->is_info) { Slim::bootstrap::tryModuleLoad('Slim::Utils::MemoryUsage'); if ($@) { logError("Couldn't load Slim::Utils::MemoryUsage: [$@]"); } else { Slim::Utils::MemoryUsage->init(); } } main::INFOLOG && $log->info("Cache init..."); Slim::Utils::Cache->init(); if ($playlists) { Slim::Music::PlaylistFolderScan->init; Slim::Music::Import->scanPlaylistsOnly(1); } else { Slim::Music::PlaylistFolderScan->init; Slim::Music::MusicFolderScan->init; } # Load any plugins that define import modules # useCache is 0 so scanner does not modify the plugin cache file Slim::Utils::PluginManager->init( 'import', 0 ); Slim::Utils::PluginManager->load('import'); checkDataSource(); main::INFOLOG && $log->info("Squeezebox Server Scanner done init...\n"); # Perform pre-scan steps specific to the database type, i.e. SQLite needs to copy to a new file $sqlHelperClass->beforeScan(); # Take the db out of autocommit mode - this makes for a much faster scan. # Scanner::Local will commit every few operations Slim::Schema->dbh->{'AutoCommit'} = 0; my $scanType = 'SETUP_STANDARDRESCAN'; if ($wipe) { $scanType = 'SETUP_WIPEDB'; } elsif ($playlists) { $scanType = 'SETUP_PLAYLISTRESCAN'; } # Flag the database as being scanned. Slim::Music::Import->setIsScanning($scanType); if ($cleanup) { Slim::Music::Import->cleanupDatabase(1); } if ($wipe) { eval { Slim::Schema->wipeAllData; }; if ($@) { logError("Failed when calling Slim::Schema->wipeAllData: [$@]"); logError("This is a fatal error. Exiting"); exit(-1); } } # Don't wrap the below in a transaction - we want to have the server # periodically update the db. This is probably better than a giant # commit at the end, but is debatable. # # NB: Slim::Schema::throw_exception really isn't right now - it's just # printing an error and bt(). Once the server can handle & log # exceptions properly, it should croak(), so the exception is # propagated to the higher levels. # # We've been passed an explict path or URL - deal with that. if (scalar @ARGV) { for my $url (@ARGV) { eval { Slim::Utils::Scanner->scanPathOrURL({ 'url' => $url, 'progress' => 1, }) }; } } else { # Otherwise just use our Importers to scan. eval { if ($wipe) { Slim::Music::Import->resetImporters; } $changes = Slim::Music::Import->runScan; }; } if ($@) { logError("Failed when running main scan: [$@]"); logError("Skipping post-process & Not updating lastRescanTime!"); } else { # Run mergeVariousArtists, artwork scan, etc. eval { Slim::Music::Import->runScanPostProcessing; }; if ($@) { logError("Failed when running scan post-process: [$@]"); logError("Not updating lastRescanTime!"); } else { if ($changes) { Slim::Music::Import->setLastScanTime; } # Notify server we are done scanning $sqlHelperClass->afterScan(); } } # Wipe templates if they exist. rmtree( catdir($prefs->get('cachedir'), 'templates') ); # Cleanup after we're done, we can't rely on this being called from a sig handler cleanup(); # To debug scanner memory usage, uncomment this line and kill -USR2 the scanner process # after it's finished scanning. # while (1) { sleep 1 } } sub initializeFrameworks { my $log = shift; main::INFOLOG && $log->info("Squeezebox Server OSDetect init..."); Slim::Utils::OSDetect::init(); Slim::Utils::OSDetect::getOS->initSearchPath(); # initialize Squeezebox Server subsystems main::INFOLOG && $log->info("Squeezebox Server settings init..."); Slim::Utils::Prefs::init(); Slim::Utils::Prefs::makeCacheDir(); main::INFOLOG && $log->info("Squeezebox Server strings init..."); Slim::Utils::Strings::init(catdir($Bin,'strings.txt'), "EN"); main::INFOLOG && $log->info("Squeezebox Server Info init..."); Slim::Music::Info::init(); # Bug 16188 - create dummy protocol entries for all protocol handlers known to the main server # this ensures that when we scan a url for one of these protocols we treat it as a valid remote entry for my $handler(@{$prefs->get('registeredhandlers') || []}) { if (!defined Slim::Player::ProtocolHandlers->handlerForProtocol($handler)) { Slim::Player::ProtocolHandlers->registerHandler( $handler => 1 ); } } } sub usage { print < Command line options: --force Force a scan, even if we think a scan is already taking place. --cleanup Run a database cleanup job at the end of the scan --rescan Look for new files since the last scan. --wipe Wipe the DB and start from scratch --playlists Only scan files in your playlistdir. --progress Show a progress bar of the scan. --dbtype TYPE Force database type (valid values are MySQL or SQLite) --prefsdir Specify alternative preferences directory. --priority set process priority from -20 (high) to 20 (low) --logfile Send all debugging messages to the specified logfile. --logdir Specify folder location for log file --logconfig Specify pre-defined logging configuration file --nodebuglog Disable all debug-level logging (compiled out). --noinfolog Disable all debug-level & info-level logging (compiled out). --nostatistics Disable the TracksPersistent table used to keep to statistics across rescans (compiled out). --debug various debug options --quiet keep silent Examples: $0 --rescan /Users/dsully/Music $0 http://www.somafm.com/groovesalad.pls EOF } my $cleanupDone; sub cleanup { # cleanup() is called at the end of main() and possibly again from a sig handler # We only want it to run once. return if $cleanupDone; $cleanupDone = 1; Slim::Utils::PluginManager->shutdownPlugins(); # Make sure to flush anything in the database to disk. if ($INC{'Slim/Schema.pm'} && Slim::Schema->storage) { Slim::Music::Import->setIsScanning(0); Slim::Schema->forceCommit; Slim::Schema->disconnect; } # Notify server we are exiting $sqlHelperClass->exitScan(); $sqlHelperClass->cleanup; remove_pid_file(); } sub checkDataSource { my $audiodir = Slim::Utils::Misc::getAudioDir(); if (defined $audiodir && $audiodir =~ m|[/\\]$|) { $audiodir =~ s|[/\\]$||; $prefs->set('audiodir',$audiodir); } return if !Slim::Schema::hasLibrary(); $sqlHelperClass->checkDataSource(); } sub save_pid_file { if (defined $pidfile) { logger('')->info("Scanner saving pid file."); File::Slurp::write_file($pidfile, $$); } } sub remove_pid_file { if (defined $pidfile) { unlink $pidfile; } } sub END { Slim::bootstrap::theEND(); } sub idleStreams {} main(); __END__