To build DBD::SQLite for Win32 with ICU support, do the following: Build ICU: Install cygwin packages if needed: binutils, GNU make tar zxvf icu4c-4_6-src.tgz cd icu/source Run "bash ./runConfigureICU Cygwin/MSVC --prefix=C:/dev/CPAN/build --with-data-packaging=archive" make make check make install Build DBD::SQLite: patch -p0 < ../DBD-SQLite-ICU.pach Edit the DBD::SQLite Makefile.PL file: Add '-LC:/dev/build/lib' to @CC_LIBS Add '-IC:/dev/build/include' to @CC_INC Change MYEXTLIB to: '../build/lib/icuuc.lib', '../build/lib/icudt.lib', '../build/lib/icuin.lib', perl Makefile.PL && nmake Copy 3 DLL files to blib/arch/auto: icudt46.dll, icuin46.dll, and icuuc46.dll nmake test