package Slim::Control::Jive; # Logitech Media Server Copyright 2001-2011 Logitech # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, # version 2. use strict; use POSIX qw(strftime); use Scalar::Util qw(blessed); use URI; use Slim::Menu::BrowseLibrary; use Slim::Utils::Log; use Slim::Utils::Prefs; use Slim::Player::Playlist; use Slim::Player::Client; #use Data::Dump; my $prefs = preferences("server"); =head1 NAME Slim::Control::Jive =head1 SYNOPSIS CLI commands used by Jive. =cut my $log = logger('player.jive'); # additional top level menus registered by plugins my @appMenus = (); # all available apps my @pluginMenus = (); # all non-app plugins my @recentSearches = (); =head1 METHODS =head2 init() =cut sub init { my $class = shift; # register our functions # |requires Client (2 == set disconnected client to clientid if client does not exist) # | |is a Query # | | |has Tags # | | | |Function to call # C Q T F Slim::Control::Request::addDispatch(['menu', '_index', '_quantity'], [2, 1, 1, \&menuQuery]); Slim::Control::Request::addDispatch(['alarmsettings', '_index', '_quantity'], [1, 1, 1, \&alarmSettingsQuery]); Slim::Control::Request::addDispatch(['jiveupdatealarm', '_index', '_quantity'], [1, 1, 1, \&alarmUpdateMenu]); Slim::Control::Request::addDispatch(['jiveupdatealarmdays', '_index', '_quantity'], [1, 1, 1, \&alarmUpdateDays]); Slim::Control::Request::addDispatch(['syncsettings', '_index', '_quantity'], [1, 1, 1, \&syncSettingsQuery]); Slim::Control::Request::addDispatch(['sleepsettings', '_index', '_quantity'], [1, 1, 1, \&sleepSettingsQuery]); Slim::Control::Request::addDispatch(['jivetonesettings', '_index', '_quantity'], [1, 1, 1, \&toneSettingsQuery]); Slim::Control::Request::addDispatch(['jivefixedvolumesettings', '_index', '_quantity'], [1, 1, 1, \&fixedVolumeSettingsQuery]); Slim::Control::Request::addDispatch(['jivestereoxl', '_index', '_quantity'], [1, 1, 1, \&stereoXLQuery]); Slim::Control::Request::addDispatch(['jivelineout', '_index', '_quantity'], [1, 1, 1, \&lineOutQuery]); Slim::Control::Request::addDispatch(['crossfadesettings', '_index', '_quantity'], [1, 1, 1, \&crossfadeSettingsQuery]); Slim::Control::Request::addDispatch(['replaygainsettings', '_index', '_quantity'], [1, 1, 1, \&replaygainSettingsQuery]); Slim::Control::Request::addDispatch(['jivedummycommand', '_index', '_quantity'], [1, 1, 1, \&jiveDummyCommand]); Slim::Control::Request::addDispatch(['jivealarm'], [1, 0, 1, \&jiveAlarmCommand]); Slim::Control::Request::addDispatch(['jiveendoftracksleep', '_index', '_quantity' ], [1, 1, 1, \&endOfTrackSleepCommand]); Slim::Control::Request::addDispatch(['jivefavorites', '_cmd' ], [1, 0, 1, \&jiveFavoritesCommand]); Slim::Control::Request::addDispatch(['jivepresets', '_index', '_quantity' ], [1, 1, 1, \&jivePresetsMenu]); Slim::Control::Request::addDispatch(['jivealarmvolume'], [1, 0, 1, \&jiveAlarmVolumeSlider ]); Slim::Control::Request::addDispatch(['jiveplayerbrightnesssettings', '_index', '_quantity'], [1, 1, 0, \&playerBrightnessMenu]); Slim::Control::Request::addDispatch(['jiveplayertextsettings', '_whatFont', '_index', '_quantity'], [1, 1, 0, \&playerTextMenu]); Slim::Control::Request::addDispatch(['jivealbumsortsettings'], [1, 0, 1, \&albumSortSettingsMenu]); Slim::Control::Request::addDispatch(['jivesetalbumsort'], [1, 0, 1, \&jiveSetAlbumSort]); Slim::Control::Request::addDispatch(['jivesync' ], [1, 0, 1, \&jiveSyncCommand]); Slim::Control::Request::addDispatch(['jiveplaylists', '_cmd' ], [1, 0, 1, \&jivePlaylistsCommand]); Slim::Control::Request::addDispatch(['jiverecentsearches'], [0, 1, 0, \&jiveRecentSearchQuery]); Slim::Control::Request::addDispatch(['date'], [0, 1, 1, \&dateQuery]); Slim::Control::Request::addDispatch(['firmwareupgrade'], [0, 1, 1, \&firmwareUpgradeQuery]); Slim::Control::Request::addDispatch(['jiveapplets'], [0, 1, 1, \&extensionsQuery]); Slim::Control::Request::addDispatch(['jivewallpapers'], [0, 1, 1, \&extensionsQuery]); Slim::Control::Request::addDispatch(['jivesounds'], [0, 1, 1, \&extensionsQuery]); Slim::Control::Request::addDispatch(['jivepatches'], [0, 1, 1, \&extensionsQuery]); # setup the menustatus dispatch and subscription Slim::Control::Request::addDispatch( ['menustatus', '_data', '_action'], [0, 0, 0, sub { warn "menustatus query\n" }]); if ( $log->is_info ) { Slim::Control::Request::subscribe( \&menuNotification, [['menustatus']] ); } # setup a cli command for jive that returns nothing; can be useful in some situations Slim::Control::Request::addDispatch( ['jiveblankcommand'], [0, 0, 0, sub { return 1; }]); } sub _libraryChanged { foreach ( Slim::Player::Client::clients() ) { myMusicMenu(0, $_); } } =head2 getDisplayName() Returns name of module =cut sub getDisplayName { return 'JIVE'; } ###### # CLI QUERIES # handles the "menu" query sub menuQuery { my $request = shift; main::INFOLOG && $log->info("Begin menuQuery function"); if ($request->isNotQuery([['menu']])) { $request->setStatusBadDispatch(); return; } my $client = $request->client() || 0; my $disconnected; if ( !$client ) { require Slim::Player::Disconnected; # Check if this is a disconnected player request if ( my $id = $request->disconnectedClientID ) { # On SN, if the player does not exist in the database this is a fatal error if ( main::SLIM_SERVICE ) { my ($player) = SDI::Service::Model::Player->search( { mac => $id } ); if ( !$player ) { main::INFOLOG && $log->is_info && $log->info("Player $id does not exist in SN database"); $request->setStatusBadDispatch(); return; } } $client = Slim::Player::Disconnected->new($id); $disconnected = 1; main::INFOLOG && $log->is_info && $log->info("Player $id not connected, using disconnected menu mode"); } else { # XXX temporary workaround for requests without a playerid $client = Slim::Player::Disconnected->new( '_dummy_' . Time::HiRes::time() ); $disconnected = 1; $log->error("Menu requests without a client are deprecated, using disconnected menu mode"); } } my $direct = ( $disconnected || $request->getParam('direct') ) ? 1 : 0; # send main menu notification my $menu = mainMenu($client, $direct); # Return results directly and destroy the client if it is disconnected # Also return the results directly if param 'direct' is set if ( $direct ) { $log->is_info && $log->info('Sending direct menu response'); $request->setRawResults( { count => scalar @{$menu}, offset => 0, item_loop => $menu, } ); if ( $disconnected ) { $client->forgetClient; } } $request->setStatusDone(); } sub mainMenu { main::INFOLOG && $log->info("Begin function"); my $client = shift; my $direct = shift; unless ($client && $client->isa('Slim::Player::Client')) { # if this isn't a player, no menus should get sent return; } # as a convention, make weights => 10 and <= 100; Jive items that want to be below all SS items # then just need to have a weight > 100, above SS items < 10 # for the notification menus, we're going to send everything over "flat" # as a result, no item_loops, all submenus (setting, myMusic) are just elements of the big array that get sent my @menu = map { _localizeMenuItemText( $client, $_ ); }( main::SLIM_SERVICE ? () : { stringToken => 'MY_MUSIC', weight => 11, id => 'myMusic', isANode => 1, node => 'home', }, { stringToken => 'FAVORITES', id => 'favorites', node => 'home', weight => 100, actions => { go => { cmd => ['favorites', 'items'], params => { menu => 'favorites', }, }, }, }, @pluginMenus, @{playerPower($client, 1)}, @{playerSettingsMenu($client, 1)}, @{ # The Digital Input plugin could be disabled if( Slim::Utils::PluginManager->isEnabled('Slim::Plugin::DigitalInput::Plugin')) { Slim::Plugin::DigitalInput::Plugin::digitalInputItem($client); } else { []; } }, @{ # The Line In plugin could be disabled if( Slim::Utils::PluginManager->isEnabled('Slim::Plugin::LineIn::Plugin')) { Slim::Plugin::LineIn::Plugin::lineInItem($client, 0); } else { []; } }, @{ # The Audioscrobbler plugin could be disabled if( Slim::Utils::PluginManager->isEnabled('Slim::Plugin::AudioScrobbler::Plugin')) { Slim::Plugin::AudioScrobbler::Plugin::jiveSettings($client); } else { []; } }, @{internetRadioMenu($client)}, main::SLIM_SERVICE ? () : @{albumSortSettingsItem($client, 1)}, main::SLIM_SERVICE ? () : @{myMusicMenu(1, $client)}, main::SLIM_SERVICE ? () : @{recentSearchMenu($client, 1)}, @{appMenus($client, 1)}, @{globalSearchMenu($client)}, ); if ( !$direct ) { _notifyJive(\@menu, $client); } return \@menu; } sub jiveSetAlbumSort { my $request = shift; my $client = $request->client; my $sort = $request->getParam('sortMe'); $prefs->set('jivealbumsort', $sort); $request->setStatusDone(); } sub albumSortSettingsMenu { main::INFOLOG && $log->info("Begin function"); my $request = shift; my $client = $request->client; my $sort = $prefs->get('jivealbumsort'); my %sortMethods = ( artistalbum => 'SORT_ARTISTALBUM', artflow => 'SORT_ARTISTYEARALBUM', album => 'ALBUM', ); $request->addResult('count', scalar(keys %sortMethods)); $request->addResult('offset', 0); my $i = 0; for my $key (sort keys %sortMethods) { $request->addResultLoop('item_loop', $i, 'text', $client->string($sortMethods{$key})); my $selected = ($sort eq $key) + 0; $request->addResultLoop('item_loop', $i, 'radio', $selected); my $actions = { do => { player => 0, cmd => ['jivesetalbumsort'], params => { 'sortMe' => $key, }, }, }; $request->addResultLoop('item_loop', $i, 'actions', $actions); $i++; } } sub albumSortSettingsItem { main::INFOLOG && $log->info("Begin function"); my $client = shift; my $batch = shift; my @menu = (); push @menu, { text => $client->string('ALBUMS_SORT_METHOD'), id => 'settingsAlbumSettings', node => 'advancedSettings', iconStyle => 'hm_advancedSettings', weight => 105, actions => { go => { cmd => ['jivealbumsortsettings'], params => { menu => 'radio', }, }, }, }; if ($batch) { return \@menu; } else { _notifyJive(\@menu, $client); } } # allow a plugin to add a node to the menu # XXX what uses this? sub registerPluginNode { main::INFOLOG && $log->info("Begin function"); my $nodeRef = shift; my $client = shift || undef; unless (ref($nodeRef) eq 'HASH') { $log->error("Incorrect data type"); return; } $nodeRef->{'isANode'} = 1; main::INFOLOG && $log->info("Registering node menu item from plugin"); # notify this menu to be added my $id = _clientId($client); Slim::Control::Request::notifyFromArray( $client, [ 'menustatus', $nodeRef, 'add', $id ] ); # but also remember this structure as part of the plugin menus push @pluginMenus, $nodeRef; } sub registerAppMenu { my $menuArray = shift; # now we want all of the items in $menuArray to go into @pluginMenus, but we also # don't want duplicate items (specified by 'id'), # so we want the ids from $menuArray to stomp on ids from @pluginMenus, # thus getting the "newest" ids into the @pluginMenus array of items # we also do not allow any hash without an id into the array, and will log an error if that happens my $isInfo = $log->is_info; my %seen; my @new; for my $href (@$menuArray, reverse @appMenus) { my $id = $href->{id}; if ($id) { if ( !$seen{$id} ) { main::INFOLOG && $isInfo && $log->info("registering app menu " . $id); push @new, $href; } $seen{$id}++; } else { $log->error("Menu items cannot be added without an id"); } } # @new is the new @appMenus # we do this in reverse so we get previously initialized nodes first # you can't add an item to a node that doesn't exist :) @appMenus = reverse @new; } # send plugin menus array as a notification to Jive sub refreshPluginMenus { main::INFOLOG && $log->info("Begin function"); my $client = shift || undef; _notifyJive(\@pluginMenus, $client); } #allow a plugin to add an array of menu entries sub registerPluginMenu { my $menuArray = shift; my $node = shift; my $client = shift || undef; unless (ref($menuArray) eq 'ARRAY') { $log->error("Incorrect data type"); return; } my $isInfo = $log->is_info; if ($node) { my @menuArray = @$menuArray; for my $i (0..$#menuArray) { if (!$menuArray->[$i]{'node'}) { $menuArray->[$i]{'node'} = $node; } } } main::INFOLOG && $isInfo && $log->info("Registering menus from plugin"); if ( $client ) { # notify this menu to be added _notifyJive($menuArray, $client); } # now we want all of the items in $menuArray to go into @pluginMenus, but we also # don't want duplicate items (specified by 'id'), # so we want the ids from $menuArray to stomp on ids from @pluginMenus, # thus getting the "newest" ids into the @pluginMenus array of items # we also do not allow any hash without an id into the array, and will log an error if that happens my %seen; my @new; for my $href (@$menuArray, reverse @pluginMenus) { my $id = $href->{'id'}; my $node = $href->{'node'}; if ($id) { if (!$seen{$id}) { main::INFOLOG && $isInfo && $log->info("registering menuitem " . $id . " to " . $node ); push @new, $href; } $seen{$id}++; } else { $log->error("Menu items cannot be added without an id"); } } # @new is the new @pluginMenus # we do this in reverse so we get previously initialized nodes first # you can't add an item to a node that doesn't exist :) @pluginMenus = reverse @new; } # allow a plugin to delete an item from the Jive menu based on the id of the menu item # if the item is a node, then delete its immediate children too sub deleteMenuItem { my $menuId = shift; my $client = shift || undef; return unless $menuId; main::INFOLOG && $log->is_warn && $log->warn($menuId . " menu id slated for deletion"); # send a notification to delete # but also remember that this id is not to be sent my @menuDelete; my @new; for my $href (reverse @pluginMenus) { next if !$href; if (($href->{'id'} && $href->{'id'} eq $menuId) || ($href->{'node'} && $href->{'node'} eq $menuId)) { main::INFOLOG && $log->info("deregistering menuitem ", $href->{'id'}); push @menuDelete, $href; } else { push @new, $href; } } push @menuDelete, { id => $menuId }; _notifyJive(\@menuDelete, $client, 'remove'); @pluginMenus = reverse @new; } # delete all menus items listed in @pluginMenus and @appMenus # This used to do menu refreshes when apps may have been removed sub deleteAllMenuItems { my $client = shift || return; my @menuDelete; for my $menu ( @pluginMenus, @appMenus ) { push @menuDelete, { id => $menu->{id} }; } main::INFOLOG && $log->is_info && $log->info( $client->id . ' removing menu items: ' . Data::Dump::dump(\@menuDelete) ); _notifyJive( \@menuDelete, $client, 'remove' ); } sub _purgeMenu { my $menu = shift; my @menu = @$menu; my @purgedMenu = (); for my $i (0..$#menu) { last unless (defined($menu[$i])); push @purgedMenu, $menu[$i]; } return \@purgedMenu; } sub alarmSettingsQuery { main::INFOLOG && $log->info("Begin function"); my $request = shift; my $client = $request->client(); my @menu = (); return \@menu unless $client; # All Alarms On/Off my $val = $prefs->client($client)->get('alarmsEnabled'); my @alarmStrings = ('OFF', 'ON'); my @translatedAlarmStrings = map { ucfirst($client->string($_)) } @alarmStrings; my $onOff = { text => $client->string("ALARM_ALL_ALARMS"), choiceStrings => [ @translatedAlarmStrings ], selectedIndex => $val + 1, # 1 is added to make it count like Lua actions => { do => { choices => [ { player => 0, cmd => [ 'alarm', 'disableall' ], }, { player => 0, cmd => [ 'alarm', 'enableall' ], }, ], }, }, }; push @menu, $onOff; my $setAlarms = getCurrentAlarms($client); if ( scalar(@$setAlarms) ) { push @menu, @$setAlarms; } my $addAlarm = { text => $client->string("ALARM_ADD"), input => { initialText => 25200, # default is 7:00 title => $client->string('ALARM_ADD'), _inputStyle => 'time', len => 1, help => { text => $client->string('JIVE_ALARMSET_HELP') }, }, actions => { do => { player => 0, cmd => [ 'alarm', 'add' ], params => { time => '__TAGGEDINPUT__', enabled => 1, }, }, }, nextWindow => 'refresh', }; push @menu, $addAlarm; # Bug 9226: don't offer alarm volume setting if player is set for fixed volume my $digitalVolumeControl = $prefs->client($client)->get('digitalVolumeControl'); if ( ! ( defined $digitalVolumeControl && $digitalVolumeControl == 0 ) ) { my $defaultVolLevel = Slim::Utils::Alarm->defaultVolume($client); my $defaultVolumeLevels = alarmVolumeSettings($defaultVolLevel, undef, $client->string('ALARM_VOLUME')); push @menu, $defaultVolumeLevels; } my $fadeEnabled = $prefs->client($client)->get('alarmfadeseconds'); if (!defined ($fadeEnabled) || $fadeEnabled == 0) { $fadeEnabled = 0; } else { $fadeEnabled = 1; } my $fadeInAlarm = { text => $client->string("ALARM_FADE"), checkbox => ($fadeEnabled == 1) + 0, actions => { on => { player => 0, cmd => [ 'jivealarm' ], params => { fadein => 1, }, }, off => { player => 0, cmd => [ 'jivealarm' ], params => { fadein => 0, }, }, }, }; push @menu, $fadeInAlarm; sliceAndShip($request, $client, \@menu); } sub alarmUpdateMenu { my $request = shift; my $client = $request->client(); my $params; my @tags = qw( id enabled days time playlist ); for my $tag (@tags) { $params->{$tag} = $request->getParam($tag); } my $alarm = Slim::Utils::Alarm->getAlarm($client, $params->{id}); my @menu = (); my $enabled = $alarm->enabled(); my $onOff = { text => $client->string("ALARM_ALARM_ENABLED"), checkbox => ($enabled == 1) + 0, onClick => 'refreshOrigin', actions => { on => { player => 0, cmd => [ 'alarm', 'update' ], params => { id => $params->{id}, enabled => 1, }, }, off => { player => 0, cmd => [ 'alarm', 'update' ], params => { id => $params->{id}, enabled => 0, }, }, }, }; push @menu, $onOff; my $setTime = { text => $client->string("ALARM_SET_TIME"), input => { initialText => $params->{time}, # this will need to be formatted correctly title => $client->string('ALARM_SET_TIME'), _inputStyle => 'time', len => 1, help => { text => $client->string('JIVE_ALARMSET_HELP') }, }, actions => { do => { player => 0, cmd => [ 'alarm', 'update' ], params => { id => $params->{id}, time => '__TAGGEDINPUT__', }, }, }, nextWindow => 'parent', }; push @menu, $setTime; my $setDays = { text => $client->string("ALARM_SET_DAYS"), actions => { go => { player => 0, cmd => [ 'jiveupdatealarmdays' ], params => { id => $params->{id}, }, }, }, }; push @menu, $setDays; my $playlistChoice = { text => $client->string('ALARM_SELECT_PLAYLIST'), actions => { go => { player => 0, cmd => [ 'alarm', 'playlists' ], params => { id => $params->{id}, menu => 1 }, }, }, }; push @menu, $playlistChoice; my $repeat = $alarm->repeat(); my $repeatOn = { text => $client->string("ALARM_ALARM_REPEAT"), radio => ($repeat == 1) + 0, onClick => 'refreshOrigin', actions => { do => { player => 0, cmd => [ 'alarm', 'update' ], params => { id => $params->{id}, repeat => 1, }, }, }, }; push @menu, $repeatOn; my $repeatOff = { text => $client->string("ALARM_ALARM_ONETIME"), radio => ($repeat == 0) + 0, onClick => 'refreshOrigin', actions => { do => { player => 0, cmd => [ 'alarm', 'update' ], params => { id => $params->{id}, repeat => 0, }, }, }, }; push @menu, $repeatOff; my @delete_menu= ( { text => $client->string('CANCEL'), actions => { go => { player => 0, cmd => [ 'jiveblankcommand' ], }, }, nextWindow => 'parent', }, { text => $client->string('ALARM_DELETE'), actions => { go => { player => 0, cmd => ['alarm', 'delete'], params => { id => $params->{id}, }, }, }, nextWindow => 'grandparent', }, ); my $removeAlarm = { text => $client->string('ALARM_DELETE'), count => scalar(@delete_menu), offset => 0, item_loop => \@delete_menu, }; push @menu, $removeAlarm; sliceAndShip($request, $client, \@menu); } sub alarmUpdateDays { my $request = shift; my $client = $request->client; my @params = qw/ id /; my $params; for my $key (@params) { $params->{$key} = $request->getParam($key); } my $alarm = Slim::Utils::Alarm->getAlarm($client, $params->{id}); my @days_menu = (); for my $day (0..6) { my $dayActive = $alarm->day($day); my $string = "ALARM_DAY$day"; my $day = { text => $client->string($string), checkbox => $dayActive + 0, onClick => 'refreshGrandparent', actions => { on => { player => 0, cmd => [ 'alarm', 'update' ], params => { id => $params->{id}, dowAdd => $day, }, }, off => { player => 0, cmd => [ 'alarm', 'update' ], params => { id => $params->{id}, dowDel => $day, }, }, }, }; push @days_menu, $day; } sliceAndShip($request, $client, \@days_menu); $request->setStatusDone(); } sub getCurrentAlarms { my $client = shift; my @return = (); my @alarms = Slim::Utils::Alarm->getAlarms($client); #Data::Dump::dump(@alarms); my $count = 1; for my $alarm (@alarms) { my @days; for (0..6) { push @days, $_ if $alarm->day($_); } my $name = $client->string('ALARM_ALARM') . " $count: " . $alarm->displayStr; my $daysString = join(',', @days); my $thisAlarm = { text => $name, actions => { go => { cmd => ['jiveupdatealarm'], params => { id => $alarm->id, enabled => $alarm->enabled || 0, days => $daysString, time => $alarm->time || 0, playlist => $alarm->playlist || 0, # don't pass an undef to jive }, player => 0, }, }, }; push @return, $thisAlarm; $count++; } return \@return; } sub alarmVolumeSettings { my $current_setting = shift || 50; my $id = shift || 0; my $string = shift; my $return = { text => $string, actions => { go => { player => 0, cmd => [ 'jivealarmvolume' ], }, }, }; return $return; } sub jiveAlarmVolumeSlider { my $request = shift; my $client = $request->client(); my $current_setting = Slim::Utils::Alarm->defaultVolume($client) || 50; my $id = shift || 0; my $string = shift; my @vol_settings; my $slider = { slider => 1, min => 1, max => 100, sliderIcons => 'volume', initial => $current_setting, actions => { do => { player => 0, cmd => [ 'alarm', 'defaultvolume' ], params => { valtag => 'volume', }, }, }, }; $request->addResult('offset', 0); $request->addResult('count', 1); $request->addResult('item_loop', [ $slider ] ); $request->setStatusDone(); } sub syncSettingsQuery { main::INFOLOG && $log->info("Begin function"); my $request = shift; my $client = $request->client(); my $synchablePlayers = howManyPlayersToSyncWith($client); if ( $synchablePlayers > 0 ) { my $playersToSyncWith = getPlayersToSyncWith($client); my @menu = @$playersToSyncWith; sliceAndShip($request, $client, \@menu); # Bug 16030 # when no sync players present, give message about how adding squeezeboxes could allow you to sync players } else { my $textarea = { textarea => $request->string('SYNC_ABOUT'), }; $request->addResult('window', $textarea); $request->addResult("count", 0); $request->setStatusDone() } } sub endOfTrackSleepCommand { my $request = shift; my $client = $request->client(); if ($client->isPlaying()) { # calculate the time remaining in seconds my $dur = $client->controller()->playingSongDuration(); my $remaining = $dur - Slim::Player::Source::songTime($client); $client->execute( ['sleep', $remaining ] ); } else { $request->client->showBriefly( { 'jive' => { 'type' => 'popupplay', 'text' => [ $request->string('NOTHING_CURRENTLY_PLAYING') ], }, } ); } } sub sleepSettingsQuery { main::INFOLOG && $log->info("Begin function"); my $request = shift; my $client = $request->client(); my $val = $client->currentSleepTime(); my @menu; # Bug: 2151 some extra stuff to add the option to sleep after the current song. # first make sure we're playing, and its a valid song. my $remaining = 0; if ($val > 0) { my $now = Time::HiRes::time(); my $then = $client->sleepTime(); my $sleepyTime = int( ($then - $now) / 60 ) + 1; my $sleepString = $client->string( 'SLEEPING_IN_X_MINUTES', $sleepyTime ); push @menu, { text => $sleepString, style => 'itemNoAction' }; push @menu, sleepInXHash($client, $val, 0); } #bug 15675 - don't display 'end of song' option for radio streams if ($client->isPlaying() && $client->controller()->playingSongDuration()) { push @menu, { text => $client->string('SLEEP_AT_END_OF_SONG'), actions => { go => { player => 0, cmd => [ 'jiveendoftracksleep' ], }, }, nextWindow => 'refresh', setSelectedIndex => 1, }; } push @menu, sleepInXHash($client, $val, 15); push @menu, sleepInXHash($client, $val, 30); push @menu, sleepInXHash($client, $val, 45); push @menu, sleepInXHash($client, $val, 60); push @menu, sleepInXHash($client, $val, 90); sliceAndShip($request, $client, \@menu); } sub stereoXLQuery { main::INFOLOG && $log->info("Begin function"); my $request = shift; my $client = $request->client(); my $currentSetting = $client->stereoxl(); my @strings = qw/ CHOICE_OFF LOW MEDIUM HIGH /; my @menu = (); for my $i (0..3) { my $xlSetting = { text => $client->string($strings[$i]), radio => ($i == $currentSetting) + 0, actions => { do => { player => 0, cmd => [ 'playerpref', 'stereoxl', $i ], }, }, }; push @menu, $xlSetting; } sliceAndShip($request, $client, \@menu); $request->setStatusDone(); } sub lineOutQuery { main::INFOLOG && $log->info("Begin function"); my $request = shift; my $client = $request->client(); my $currentSetting = $prefs->client($client)->get('analogOutMode'); my @strings = qw/ ANALOGOUTMODE_HEADPHONE ANALOGOUTMODE_SUBOUT ANALOGOUTMODE_ALWAYS_ON ANALOGOUTMODE_ALWAYS_OFF /; my @menu = (); for my $i (0..3) { my $lineOutSetting = { text => $client->string($strings[$i]), radio => ($i == $currentSetting) + 0, actions => { do => { player => 0, cmd => [ 'playerpref', 'analogOutMode', $i ], }, }, }; push @menu, $lineOutSetting; } sliceAndShip($request, $client, \@menu); $request->setStatusDone(); } sub fixedVolumeSettingsQuery { main::INFOLOG && $log->info("Begin function"); my $request = shift; my $client = $request->client(); my $setting = $request->getParam('cmd'); my $digitalVolumeControl = $prefs->client($client)->get('digitalVolumeControl'); my $currentSetting = 0; if ( ( defined $digitalVolumeControl && $digitalVolumeControl == 0 ) ) { $currentSetting = 1; } my @menu = (); my $checkbox = { text => $client->string("FIXED_VOLUME_100"), checkbox => $currentSetting, actions => { on => { player => 0, cmd => [ 'playerpref', 'digitalVolumeControl', 0 ], }, off => { player => 0, cmd => [ 'playerpref', 'digitalVolumeControl', 1 ], }, }, }; push @menu, $checkbox; sliceAndShip($request, $client, \@menu); $request->setStatusDone(); } sub toneSettingsQuery { main::INFOLOG && $log->info("Begin function"); my $request = shift; my $client = $request->client(); my $tone = $request->getParam('cmd'); my $val = $client->$tone(); my @menu = (); my $slider = { slider => 1, min => -23 + 0, max => 23, adjust => 24, # slider currently doesn't like a slider starting at or below 0 initial => $val, #help => NO_HELP_STRING_YET, actions => { do => { player => 0, cmd => [ 'playerpref', $tone ], params => { valtag => 'value', }, }, }, }; push @menu, $slider; sliceAndShip($request, $client, \@menu); $request->setStatusDone(); } sub crossfadeSettingsQuery { main::INFOLOG && $log->info("Begin function"); my $request = shift; my $client = $request->client(); my $val = $prefs->client($client)->get('transitionType'); my @strings = ( 'TRANSITION_NONE', 'TRANSITION_CROSSFADE', 'TRANSITION_FADE_IN', 'TRANSITION_FADE_OUT', 'TRANSITION_FADE_IN_OUT' ); my @menu; push @menu, transitionHash($client, $val, $prefs, \@strings, 0); push @menu, transitionHash($client, $val, $prefs, \@strings, 1); push @menu, transitionHash($client, $val, $prefs, \@strings, 2); push @menu, transitionHash($client, $val, $prefs, \@strings, 3); push @menu, transitionHash($client, $val, $prefs, \@strings, 4); sliceAndShip($request, $client, \@menu); } sub replaygainSettingsQuery { main::INFOLOG && $log->info("Begin function"); my $request = shift; my $client = $request->client(); my $val = $prefs->client($client)->get('replayGainMode'); my @strings = ( 'REPLAYGAIN_DISABLED', 'REPLAYGAIN_TRACK_GAIN', 'REPLAYGAIN_ALBUM_GAIN', 'REPLAYGAIN_SMART_GAIN' ); my @menu; push @menu, replayGainHash($client, $val, $prefs, \@strings, 0); push @menu, replayGainHash($client, $val, $prefs, \@strings, 1); push @menu, replayGainHash($client, $val, $prefs, \@strings, 2); push @menu, replayGainHash($client, $val, $prefs, \@strings, 3); sliceAndShip($request, $client, \@menu); } sub sliceAndShip { my ($request, $client, $menu) = @_; my $numitems = scalar(@$menu); my $index = $request->getParam('_index'); my $quantity = $request->getParam('_quantity'); $request->addResult("count", $numitems); my ($valid, $start, $end) = $request->normalize(scalar($index), scalar($quantity), $numitems); if ($valid) { my $cnt = 0; $request->addResult('offset', $start); for my $eachmenu (@$menu[$start..$end]) { $request->setResultLoopHash('item_loop', $cnt, $eachmenu); $cnt++; } } $request->setStatusDone() } # returns a single item for the homeMenu if radios is a valid command sub internetRadioMenu { main::INFOLOG && $log->info("Begin function"); my $client = shift; my @command = ('radios', 0, 200, 'menu:radio'); my $test_request = Slim::Control::Request::executeRequest($client, \@command); my $validQuery = $test_request->isValidQuery(); my @menu = (); if ($validQuery && $test_request->getResult('count')) { push @menu, { text => $client->string('RADIO'), id => 'radios', node => 'home', weight => 20, actions => { go => { cmd => ['radios'], params => { menu => 'radio', }, }, }, window => { menuStyle => 'album', }, }; } return \@menu; } sub playerSettingsMenu { main::INFOLOG && $log->info("Begin function"); my $client = shift; my $batch = shift; my @menu = (); return \@menu unless $client; push @menu, { text => $client->string('AUDIO_SETTINGS'), id => 'settingsAudio', node => 'settings', isANode => 1, weight => 35, }; # always add repeat push @menu, repeatSettings($client, 1); # always add shuffle push @menu, shuffleSettings($client, 1); # add alarm only if this is a slimproto player if ($client->isPlayer()) { push @menu, { text => $client->string("ALARM"), id => 'settingsAlarm', node => 'settings', weight => 29, actions => { go => { cmd => ['alarmsettings'], player => 0, }, }, }; } # bass, if available if ( $client->maxBass() - $client->minBass() > 0 ) { push @menu, { text => $client->string("BASS"), id => 'settingsBass', node => 'settingsAudio', iconStyle => 'hm_settingsAudio', weight => 10, actions => { go => { cmd => ['jivetonesettings'], player => 0, params => { 'cmd' => 'bass', }, }, }, }; } # send an option for fixed 100% volume setting is sent for any player that has a digital out if ( $client->hasDigitalOut() ) { push @menu, { text => $client->string("FIXED_VOLUME"), id => 'settingsFixedVolume', iconStyle => 'hm_settingsAudio', node => 'settingsAudio', weight => 100, actions => { go => { cmd => ['jivefixedvolumesettings'], player => 0, }, }, }; } # treble, if available if ( $client->maxTreble() - $client->minTreble() > 0 ) { push @menu, { text => $client->string("TREBLE"), id => 'settingsTreble', node => 'settingsAudio', iconStyle => 'hm_settingsAudio', weight => 20, actions => { go => { cmd => ['jivetonesettings'], player => 0, params => { 'cmd' => 'treble', }, }, }, }; } # stereoXL, if available if ( $client->maxXL() - $client->minXL() ) { push @menu, { text => $client->string("STEREOXL"), id => 'settingsStereoXL', node => 'settingsAudio', iconStyle => 'hm_settingsAudio', weight => 90, actions => { go => { cmd => ['jivestereoxl'], player => 0, }, }, }; } # lineOut, if available if ( $client->hasHeadSubOut() ) { push @menu, { text => $client->string("SETUP_ANALOGOUTMODE"), id => 'settingsLineOut', node => 'settingsAudio', iconStyle => 'hm_settingsAudio', weight => 80, actions => { go => { cmd => ['jivelineout'], player => 0, }, }, }; } # sleep setting (always) push @menu, { text => $client->string("SLEEP"), id => 'settingsSleep', node => 'settings', weight => 65, actions => { go => { cmd => ['sleepsettings'], player => 0, }, }, }; # sync menu push @menu, syncMenuItem($client, 1); # information, always display push @menu, { text => $client->string( 'JIVE_SQUEEZEBOX_INFORMATION' ), id => 'settingsInformation', node => 'advancedSettings', weight => 100, actions => { go => { cmd => ['systeminfo', 'items'], params => { menu => 1 } }, }, }; # player name change, always display push @menu, { text => $client->string('INFORMATION_PLAYER_NAME'), id => 'settingsPlayerNameChange', node => 'settings', weight => 67, input => { initialText => $client->name(), len => 1, # For those that want to name their player "X" allowedChars => $client->string('JIVE_ALLOWEDCHARS_WITHCAPS'), help => { text => $client->string('JIVE_CHANGEPLAYERNAME_HELP') }, softbutton1 => $client->string('INSERT'), softbutton2 => $client->string('DELETE'), }, actions => { do => { cmd => ['name'], player => 0, params => { playername => '__INPUT__', }, }, }, }; # transition only for Sb2 and beyond (aka 'crossfade') if ($client->isa('Slim::Player::Squeezebox2')) { push @menu, { text => $client->string("SETUP_TRANSITIONTYPE"), id => 'settingsXfade', iconStyle => 'hm_settingsAudio', node => 'settingsAudio', weight => 30, actions => { go => { cmd => ['crossfadesettings'], player => 0, }, }, }; } # replay gain (aka volume adjustment) if ($client->canDoReplayGain(0)) { push @menu, { text => $client->string("REPLAYGAIN"), id => 'settingsReplayGain', iconStyle => 'hm_settingsAudio', node => 'settingsAudio', weight => 40, actions => { go => { cmd => ['replaygainsettings'], player => 0, }, }, }; } # brightness settings for players with displays if ( $client->isPlayer() && !$client->display->isa('Slim::Display::NoDisplay') ) { push @menu, { stringToken => 'JIVE_PLAYER_DISPLAY_SETTINGS', id => 'squeezeboxDisplaySettings', iconStyle => 'hm_advancedSettings', isANode => 1, node => 'advancedSettings', }, { text => $client->string("PLAYER_BRIGHTNESS"), id => 'settingsPlayerBrightness', iconStyle => 'hm_settingsBrightness', node => 'squeezeboxDisplaySettings', actions => { go => { cmd => [ 'jiveplayerbrightnesssettings' ], player => 0, }, }, }, } # text size settings for players with graphical displays if ( $client->isPlayer() && $client->display->isa('Slim::Display::Graphics') ) { push @menu, { text => $client->string("TEXTSIZE"), id => 'settingsPlayerTextsize', node => 'squeezeboxDisplaySettings', iconStyle => 'hm_advancedSettings', actions => { go => { cmd => [ 'jiveplayertextsettings', 'activeFont' ], player => 0, }, }, }, { text => $client->string("OFFDISPLAYSIZE"), id => 'settingsPlayerOffTextsize', node => 'squeezeboxDisplaySettings', iconStyle => 'hm_advancedSettings', actions => { go => { cmd => [ 'jiveplayertextsettings', 'idleFont' ], player => 0, }, }, }, } if ($batch) { return \@menu; } else { _notifyJive(\@menu, $client); } } sub syncMenuItem { my $client = shift; my $batch = shift; my $return = { text => $client->string("SYNCHRONIZE"), id => 'settingsSync', node => 'settings', weight => 70, actions => { go => { cmd => ['syncsettings'], player => 0, }, }, }; if ($batch) { return $return; } else { _notifyJive( [ $return ], $client); } } sub minAutoBrightness { my $current_setting = shift; my $string = shift; my @brightness_settings; my $slider = { slider => 1, min => 1, max => 5, initial => $current_setting + 0, #help => NO_HELP_STRING_YET, actions => { do => { player => 0, cmd => [ 'playerpref', 'minAutoBrightness' ], params => { valtag => 'value', }, }, }, }; push @brightness_settings, $slider; my $return = { text => $string, count => scalar(@brightness_settings), offset => 0, item_loop => \@brightness_settings, }; return $return; } sub sensAutoBrightness { my $current_setting = shift; my $string = shift; my @brightness_settings; my $slider = { slider => 1, min => 1, max => 20, initial => $current_setting + 0, #help => NO_HELP_STRING_YET, actions => { do => { player => 0, cmd => [ 'playerpref', 'sensAutoBrightness' ], params => { valtag => 'value', }, }, }, }; push @brightness_settings, $slider; my $return = { text => $string, count => scalar(@brightness_settings), offset => 0, item_loop => \@brightness_settings, }; return $return; } sub playerBrightnessMenu { my $request = shift; my $client = $request->client(); my @menu = (); # WHILE ON, WHILE OFF, IDLE my @options = ( { string => 'SETUP_POWERONBRIGHTNESS_ABBR', pref => 'powerOnBrightness', }, { string => 'SETUP_POWEROFFBRIGHTNESS_ABBR', pref => 'powerOffBrightness', }, { string => 'SETUP_IDLEBRIGHTNESS_ABBR', pref => 'idleBrightness', }, ); for my $href (@options) { my @radios = (); my $currentSetting = $prefs->client($client)->get($href->{pref}); # assemble radio buttons based on what's available for that player my $hash = $client->display->getBrightnessOptions(); for my $setting (sort { $b <=> $a } keys %$hash) { my $item = { text => $hash->{$setting}, radio => ($currentSetting == $setting) + 0, actions => { do => { cmd => [ 'playerpref', $href->{pref}, $setting ], player => 0, }, }, }; push @radios, $item; } my $item = { text => $client->string($href->{string}), count => scalar(@radios), offset => 0, item_loop => \@radios, }; push @menu, $item; } if( $client->isa( 'Slim::Player::Boom')) { my $mab = minAutoBrightness( $prefs->client( $client)->get( 'minAutoBrightness'), $client->string( 'SETUP_MINAUTOBRIGHTNESS')); push @menu, $mab; my $sab = sensAutoBrightness( $prefs->client( $client)->get( 'sensAutoBrightness'), $client->string( 'SETUP_SENSAUTOBRIGHTNESS')); push @menu, $sab; } sliceAndShip($request, $client, \@menu); $request->setStatusDone(); } sub playerTextMenu { my $request = shift; my $client = $request->client(); my $whatFont = $request->getParam('_whatFont'); my @menu = (); my @fonts = (); my $i = 0; for my $font ( @{ $prefs->client($client)->get($whatFont) } ) { push @fonts, { name => $client->string($font), value => $i++, }; } my $currentSetting = $prefs->client($client)->get($whatFont . '_curr'); for my $font (@fonts) { my $item = { text => $font->{name}, radio => ($font->{value} == $currentSetting) + 0, actions => { do => { cmd => [ 'playerpref', $whatFont . '_curr', $font->{value} ], player => 0, }, }, }; push @menu, $item; } sliceAndShip($request, $client, \@menu); $request->setStatusDone(); } sub repeatSettings { my $client = shift; my $batch = shift; my $repeat_setting = Slim::Player::Playlist::repeat($client); my @repeat_strings = ('OFF', 'SONG', 'PLAYLIST_SHORT',); my @translated_repeat_strings = map { ucfirst($client->string($_)) } @repeat_strings; my @repeatChoiceActions; for my $i (0..$#repeat_strings) { push @repeatChoiceActions, { player => 0, cmd => ['playlist', 'repeat', "$i"], }; } my $return = { text => $client->string("REPEAT"), id => 'settingsRepeat', node => 'settings', weight => 20, choiceStrings => [ @translated_repeat_strings ], selectedIndex => $repeat_setting + 1, # 1 is added to make it count like Lua actions => { do => { choices => [ @repeatChoiceActions ], }, }, }; if ($batch) { return $return; } else { _notifyJive( [ $return ], $client); } } sub shuffleSettings { my $client = shift; my $batch = shift; my $shuffle_setting = Slim::Player::Playlist::shuffle($client); my @shuffle_strings = ( 'OFF', 'SONG', 'ALBUM',); my @translated_shuffle_strings = map { ucfirst($client->string($_)) } @shuffle_strings; my @shuffleChoiceActions; for my $i (0..$#shuffle_strings) { push @shuffleChoiceActions, { player => 0, cmd => ['playlist', 'shuffle', "$i"], }; } my $return = { text => $client->string("SHUFFLE"), id => 'settingsShuffle', node => 'settings', selectedIndex => $shuffle_setting + 1, weight => 10, choiceStrings => [ @translated_shuffle_strings ], actions => { do => { choices => [ @shuffleChoiceActions ], }, }, }; if ($batch) { return $return; } else { _notifyJive( [ $return ], $client); } } sub _clientId { my $client = shift; my $id = 'all'; if ( blessed($client) && $client->id() ) { $id = $client->id(); } return $id; } sub _notifyJive { my ($menu, $client, $action) = @_; $action ||= 'add'; my $id = _clientId($client); my $menuForExport = $action eq 'add' ? _purgeMenu($menu) : $menu; $menuForExport = [ map { _localizeMenuItemText( $client, $_ ) } @{$menuForExport} ]; Slim::Control::Request::notifyFromArray( $client, [ 'menustatus', $menuForExport, $action, $id ] ); } sub howManyPlayersToSyncWith { my $client = shift; return 0 if $client->isa('Slim::Player::Disconnected'); my @playerSyncList = Slim::Player::Client::clients(); my $synchablePlayers = 0; # Restrict based on players with same userid on SN my $userid; if ( main::SLIM_SERVICE ) { $userid = $client->playerData->userid; } for my $player (@playerSyncList) { # skip ourself next if ($client eq $player); # we only sync slimproto devices next if (!$player->isPlayer()); # On SN, only sync with players on the current account if ( main::SLIM_SERVICE ) { next if $userid == 1; next if $userid != $player->playerData->userid; # Skip players with old firmware if ( ( $player->model eq 'squeezebox2' && $player->revision < 82 ) || ( $player->model eq 'transporter' && $player->revision < 32 ) ) { next; } } $synchablePlayers++; } return $synchablePlayers; } sub getPlayersToSyncWith() { my $client = shift; my @return = (); # Restrict based on players with same userid on SN my $userid; if ( main::SLIM_SERVICE ) { $userid = $client->playerData->userid; } # first add a descriptive line for this player push @return, { text => $client->string('SYNC_X_TO', $client->name()), style => 'itemNoAction', }; # come up with a list of players and/or sync groups to sync with # callback command also has to remove player from whatever it was previously synced to, if anything my $cnt = 0; my @players = Slim::Player::Client::clients(); # construct the list my @syncList; my $currentlySyncedWith = 0; # the logic is a little tricky here...first make a pass at any sync groups that include $client if ($client->isSynced()) { if (_syncSNCheck($userid, $client)) { $syncList[$cnt] = {}; $syncList[$cnt]->{'id'} = $client->id(); $syncList[$cnt]->{'name'} = $client->syncedWithNames(0); $currentlySyncedWith = $client->syncedWithNames(0); $syncList[$cnt]->{'isSyncedWith'} = 1; $cnt++; } } # then grab groups or players that are not currently synced with $client if (scalar(@players) > 0) { for my $eachclient (@players) { next if !$eachclient->isPlayer(); next if $eachclient->isSyncedWith($client); next unless _syncSNCheck($userid, $eachclient); if ($eachclient->isSynced() && Slim::Player::Sync::isMaster($eachclient)) { $syncList[$cnt] = {}; $syncList[$cnt]->{'id'} = $eachclient->id(); $syncList[$cnt]->{'name'} = $eachclient->syncedWithNames(1); $syncList[$cnt]->{'isSyncedWith'} = 0; $cnt++; # then players which are not synced } elsif (! $eachclient->isSynced && $eachclient != $client ) { $syncList[$cnt] = {}; $syncList[$cnt]->{'id'} = $eachclient->id(); $syncList[$cnt]->{'name'} = $eachclient->name(); $syncList[$cnt]->{'isSyncedWith'} = 0; $cnt++; } } } for my $syncOption (sort { $a->{name} cmp $b->{name} } @syncList) { push @return, { text => $syncOption->{name}, radio => ($syncOption->{isSyncedWith} == 1) + 0, actions => { do => { player => 0, cmd => [ 'jivesync' ], params => { syncWith => $syncOption->{id}, syncWithString => $syncOption->{name}, unsyncWith => $currentlySyncedWith, }, }, }, nextWindow => 'refresh', }; } if ( $client->isSynced() ) { push @return, { text => $client->string('DO_NOT_SYNC'), radio => 0, actions => { do => { player => 0, cmd => ['jivesync' ], params => { syncWith => 0, syncWithString => 0, unsyncWith => $currentlySyncedWith, }, }, }, nextWindow => 'refresh', }; } return \@return; } sub _syncSNCheck { my ($userid, $player) = @_; # On SN, only sync with players on the current account if ( main::SLIM_SERVICE ) { return undef if $userid == 1; return undef if $userid != $player->playerData->userid; # Skip players with old firmware if ( ( $player->model eq 'squeezebox2' && $player->revision < 82 ) || ( $player->model eq 'transporter' && $player->revision < 32 ) ) { return undef; } } return 1; } sub jiveSyncCommand { my $request = shift; my $client = $request->client(); my $syncWith = $request->getParam('syncWith'); my $syncWithString = $request->getParam('syncWithString'); my $unsyncWith = $request->getParam('unsyncWith') || undef; # first unsync if necessary my @messages = (); if ($unsyncWith) { $client->execute( [ 'sync', '-' ] ); push @messages, $request->string('UNSYNCING_FROM', $unsyncWith); } # then sync if requested if ($syncWith) { my $otherClient = Slim::Player::Client::getClient($syncWith); $otherClient->execute( [ 'sync', $client->id ] ); push @messages, $request->string('SYNCING_WITH', $syncWithString); } my $message = join("\n", @messages); $client->showBriefly( { 'jive' => { 'type' => 'popupplay', 'text' => [ $message ], }, } ); $request->setStatusDone(); } sub dateQuery_filter { my ($self, $request) = @_; # if time is to be set, pass along the new time value to the listeners if (my $newTime = $request->getParam('set')) { $self->privateData($newTime); return 1; } $self->privateData(0); return 0; } sub dateQuery { # XXX dateQuery uses registerAutoExecute which is called for every notification! # (See "send the notification to all filters...") # An easy workaround here is to abort on any more params in @_ return if @_ > 1; my $request = shift; if ( $request->isNotQuery([['date']]) ) { $request->setStatusBadDispatch(); return; } my $newTime = $request->getParam('set') || 0; # it time is expliciely set, we'll have to notify our listeners if ($newTime) { $request->notify(); } else { $newTime = $request->privateData() || 0; $request->privateData(0); } # 7.5+ SP devices use epoch time now, much simpler $request->addResult( 'date_epoch', $newTime || time() ); # This is the field 7.3 and earlier players expect. # 7.4 is smart enough to take no action when missing # the date_utc field it expects. # If they are hitting 7.5 SN/SC code, they're about to # be upgraded anyways, but we should avoid mucking # with their clock in the meantime. These crafted "all-zeros" # responses will avoid Lua errors, but the "date" # command implemented by busybox will fail out on this # data and take no action due to it resulting in a # negative time_t value. $request->addResult( 'date', '0000-00-00T00:00:00+00:00' ); # manage the subscription if (defined(my $timeout = $request->getParam('subscribe'))) { $request->registerAutoExecute($timeout, \&dateQuery_filter); } $request->setStatusDone(); } sub firmwareUpgradeQuery_filter { my $self = shift; my $request = shift; # update the query if new firmware downloaded for this machine type if ($request->isCommand([['fwdownloaded']]) && (($request->getParam('machine') || 'jive') eq ($self->getParam('_machine') || 'jive')) ) { return 1; } return 0; } sub firmwareUpgradeQuery { my $request = shift; if ( $request->isNotQuery([['firmwareupgrade']]) ) { $request->setStatusBadDispatch(); return; } my $firmwareVersion = $request->getParam('firmwareVersion'); my $model = $request->getParam('machine') || 'jive'; # always send the upgrade url this is also used if the user opts to upgrade if ( my $url = Slim::Utils::Firmware->url($model) ) { # Bug 6828, Send relative firmware URLs for Jive versions which support it my ($cur_rev) = $firmwareVersion =~ m/\sr(\d+)/; # return full url when running SqueezeOS - we'll serve the direct download link from squeezenetwork if ( $cur_rev >= 1659 && !Slim::Utils::OSDetect->getOS()->directFirmwareDownload() ) { $request->addResult( relativeFirmwareUrl => URI->new($url)->path ); } else { $request->addResult( firmwareUrl => $url ); } } if ( Slim::Utils::Firmware->need_upgrade( $firmwareVersion, $model ) ) { # if this is true a firmware upgrade is forced $request->addResult( firmwareUpgrade => 1 ); } else { $request->addResult( firmwareUpgrade => 0 ); } # manage the subscription if (defined(my $timeout = $request->getParam('subscribe'))) { $request->registerAutoExecute($timeout, \&firmwareUpgradeQuery_filter); } $request->setStatusDone(); } sub playerPower { my $client = shift; my $batch = shift; return [] unless blessed($client) && $client->isPlayer() && $client->canPowerOff(); my $name = $client->name(); my $power = $client->power(); my @return; my ($text, $action); if ($power == 1) { $text = sprintf($client->string('JIVE_TURN_PLAYER_OFF'), $name); $action = 0; } else { $text = sprintf($client->string('JIVE_TURN_PLAYER_ON'), $name); $action = 1; } push @return, { text => $text, id => 'playerpower', node => 'home', weight => 100, actions => { do => { player => 0, cmd => ['power', $action], }, }, }; if ($batch) { return \@return; } else { # send player power info by notification _notifyJive(\@return, $client); } } sub sleepInXHash { main::INFOLOG && $log->info("Begin function"); my ($client, $val, $sleepTime) = @_; my $text = $sleepTime == 0 ? $client->string("SLEEP_CANCEL") : $client->string('X_MINUTES', $sleepTime); my %return = ( text => $text, actions => { go => { player => 0, cmd => ['sleep', $sleepTime*60 ], }, }, nextWindow => 'refresh', setSelectedIndex => '1', ); return \%return; } sub transitionHash { my ($client, $val, $prefs, $strings, $thisValue) = @_; my %return = ( text => $client->string($strings->[$thisValue]), radio => ($val == $thisValue) + 0, # 0 is added to force the data type to number actions => { do => { player => 0, cmd => ['playerpref', 'transitionType', "$thisValue" ], }, }, ); return \%return; } sub replayGainHash { my ($client, $val, $prefs, $strings, $thisValue) = @_; my %return = ( text => $client->string($strings->[$thisValue]), radio => ($val == $thisValue) + 0, # 0 is added to force the data type to number actions => { do => { player => 0, cmd => ['playerpref', 'replayGainMode', "$thisValue"], }, }, ); return \%return; } my %allMyMusicMenuItems; sub myMusicMenu { main::INFOLOG && $log->info("Begin function: ", (Slim::Schema::hasLibrary() ? 'library' : 'no library')); my $batch = shift; my $client = shift; my $myMusicMenu = Slim::Menu::BrowseLibrary::getJiveMenu($client, 'myMusic', \&_libraryChanged); if (!$batch) { my %newMenuItems = map {$_->{'id'} => 1} @$myMusicMenu; my @myMusicMenuDelete = map +{id => $_, node => 'myMusic'}, (grep {!$newMenuItems{$_}} keys %allMyMusicMenuItems); _notifyJive(\@myMusicMenuDelete, $client, 'remove'); } foreach (@$myMusicMenu) { $allMyMusicMenuItems{$_->{'id'}} = 1; } if ($batch) { return $myMusicMenu; } else { _notifyJive($myMusicMenu, $client); } } sub globalSearchMenu { my $client = shift || undef; my @searchMenu = ({ stringToken => 'SEARCH', text => $client->string('SEARCH'), homeMenuText => $client->string('SEARCH'), id => 'globalSearch', node => 'home', weight => 22, # after internet radio input => { len => 1, #bug 5318 processingPopup => { text => $client->string('SEARCHING'), }, help => { text => $client->string('JIVE_SEARCHFOR_HELP') }, }, actions => { go => { cmd => ['globalsearch', 'items'], params => { menu => 'globalsearch', search => '__TAGGEDINPUT__', }, }, }, window => { text => $client->string('SEARCH'), }, }); return \@searchMenu; } # send a notification for menustatus sub menuNotification { # the lines below are needed as menu notifications are done via notifyFromArray, but # if you wanted to debug what's getting sent over the Comet interface, you could do it here my $request = shift; my $dataRef = $request->getParam('_data') || return; my $action = $request->getParam('_action') || 'add'; my $client = $request->clientid(); main::INFOLOG && $log->is_info && $log->info("Menustatus notification sent:", $action, '->', ($client || 'all')); main::DEBUGLOG && $log->is_debug && $log->debug(Data::Dump::dump($dataRef)); } sub jivePlaylistsCommand { main::INFOLOG && $log->info("Begin function"); my $request = shift; my $client = $request->client || return; my $title = $request->getParam('title'); my $url = $request->getParam('url'); my $command = $request->getParam('_cmd'); my $playlistID = $request->getParam('playlist_id'); my $token = uc($command); my @delete_menu= ( { text => $client->string('CANCEL'), actions => { go => { player => 0, cmd => [ 'jiveblankcommand' ], }, }, nextWindow => 'parent', } ); my $actionItem = { text => $client->string($token) . ' ' . $title, actions => { go => { player => 0, cmd => ['playlists', 'delete'], params => { playlist_id => $playlistID, title => $title, url => $url, }, }, }, nextWindow => 'grandparent', }; push @delete_menu, $actionItem; $request->addResult('offset', 0); $request->addResult('count', 2); $request->addResult('item_loop', \@delete_menu); $request->setStatusDone(); } sub jiveAlarmCommand { main::INFOLOG && $log->info("Begin function"); my $request = shift; my $client = $request->client || return; # this command can issue either a snooze or a cancel my $snooze = $request->getParam('snooze') ? 1 : undef; my $stop = $request->getParam('stop') ? 1 : undef; my $fadein = $request->getParam('fadein'); my $alarm = Slim::Utils::Alarm->getCurrentAlarm($client); if ( defined($alarm) ) { if ( defined($snooze) ) { $alarm->snooze(); } elsif ( defined ($stop) ) { $alarm->stop(); } } # a fadein:1 tag needs to set a clientpref for alarmfadeseconds if ( defined($fadein) ) { $log->error('Fade in alarm being set to ', $fadein); $prefs->client($client)->set('alarmfadeseconds', $fadein); } $request->setStatusDone(); } sub jivePresetsMenu { main::INFOLOG && $log->info("Begin function"); my $request = shift; my $client = $request->client || shift; my $index = $request->getParam('_index'); my $quantity = $request->getParam('_quantity'); my $title = $request->getParam('title'); my $url = $request->getParam('url'); my $type = $request->getParam('type'); my $icon = $request->getParam('icon'); my $preset = $request->getParam('key'); my $parser = $request->getParam('parser'); my $action = 'grandparent'; # if playlist_index is sent, that's for the current NP track, derive everything you need from it my $playlist_index = $request->getParam('playlist_index'); if ( defined($playlist_index) ) { my $song = Slim::Player::Playlist::song( $client, $playlist_index ); $url = $song->url; $type = 'audio'; $title = $song->title; } # preset needs to be saved as either a playlist or default to audio if ( defined($type) && $type ne 'playlist' ) { $type = 'audio'; } if ( ! defined $title || ! defined $url ) { $request->setStatusBadDispatch(); return; } my $presets = $prefs->client($client)->get('presets'); my @presets_menu; for my $preset (0..5) { my $jive_preset = $preset + 1; # is this preset currently set? my $set = ref($presets) eq 'ARRAY' && defined $presets->[$preset] ? 1 : 0; my $item; if ($set) { my $currentPreset = $presets->[$preset]->{'text'}; $log->error($currentPreset); $item = { text => $request->string('JIVE_SET_PRESET_X', $jive_preset), count => 2, offset => 0, isContextMenu => 1, item_loop => [ { text => $client->string('CANCEL'), actions => { go => { player => 0, cmd => [ 'jiveblankcommand' ], }, }, nextWindow => 'parent', }, { text => $client->string('JIVE_OVERWRITE_PRESET_X', $currentPreset), actions => { go => { player => 0, cmd => [ 'jivefavorites', 'set_preset', ], params => { key => $jive_preset, favorites_url => $url, favorites_title => $title, favorites_type => $type, parser => $parser, }, }, }, nextWindow => 'presets', }, ], }; } else { $item = { text => $request->string('JIVE_SET_PRESET_X', $jive_preset), actions => { go => { player => 0, cmd => [ 'jivefavorites', 'set_preset', ], params => { key => $jive_preset, favorites_url => $url, favorites_title => $title, favorites_type => $type, parser => $parser, }, }, }, nextWindow => 'presets', }; } push @presets_menu, $item; } $request->addResult('offset', 0); $request->addResult('count', scalar(@presets_menu)); $request->addResult('item_loop', \@presets_menu); $request->setStatusDone(); } sub jiveFavoritesCommand { main::INFOLOG && $log->info("Begin function"); my $request = shift; my $client = $request->client || shift; my $title = $request->getParam('title'); my $url = $request->getParam('url'); my $type = $request->getParam('type'); my $icon = $request->getParam('icon'); my $parser = $request->getParam('parser'); my $command = $request->getParam('_cmd'); my $token = uc($command); # either ADD or DELETE my $action = 'grandparent'; my $favIndex = defined($request->getParam('item_id'))? $request->getParam('item_id') : undef; if ( $command eq 'set_preset' ) { # XXX: why do we use a favorites_ prefix here but not above? my $preset = $request->getParam('key'); my $title = $request->getParam('favorites_title'); my $url = $request->getParam('favorites_url'); my $type = $request->getParam('favorites_type'); # if playlist_index is sent, that's for the current NP track, derive everything you need from it my $playlist_index = $request->getParam('playlist_index'); if ( defined($playlist_index) ) { my $song = Slim::Player::Playlist::song( $client, $playlist_index ); $url = $song->url; $type = 'audio'; $title = $song->title; } # favorite needs to be saved as either a playlist or default to audio if ( defined($type) && $type ne 'playlist' ) { $type = 'audio'; } if ( ! defined $title || ! defined $url ) { $request->setStatusBadDispatch(); return; } $client->setPreset( { slot => $preset, URL => $url, text => $title, type => $type, parser => $parser, } ); $client->showBriefly({ jive => { type => 'popupplay', text => [ $client->string('PRESET_ADDING', $preset), $title ], }, }); } else { my @favorites_menu = ( { text => $client->string('CANCEL'), actions => { go => { player => 0, cmd => [ 'jiveblankcommand' ], }, }, nextWindow => 'parent', } ); my $actionItem = { text => $client->string($token) . ' ' . $title, actions => { go => { player => 0, cmd => ['favorites', $command ], params => { title => $title, url => $url, type => $type, parser => $parser, }, }, }, nextWindow => $action, }; $actionItem->{'actions'}{'go'}{'params'}{'icon'} = $icon if $icon; $actionItem->{'actions'}{'go'}{'params'}{'item_id'} = $favIndex if defined($favIndex); push @favorites_menu, $actionItem; $request->addResult('offset', 0); $request->addResult('count', 2); $request->addResult('item_loop', \@favorites_menu); } $request->setStatusDone(); } sub _jiveNoResults { my $request = shift; $request->addResult('count', '1'); $request->addResult('offset', 0); $request->addResultLoop('item_loop', 0, 'text', $request->string('EMPTY')); $request->addResultLoop('item_loop', 0, 'style', 'itemNoAction'); $request->addResultLoop('item_loop', 0, 'action', 'none'); } sub cacheSearch { my $request = shift; my $search = shift; # Don't cache searches on SN return if main::SLIM_SERVICE; if (defined($search) && $search->{text} && $search->{actions}{go}{cmd}) { unshift (@recentSearches, $search); } recentSearchMenu($request->client, 0); } sub recentSearchMenu { my $client = shift; my $batch = shift; my @recentSearchMenu = (); return \@recentSearchMenu unless $client; if (scalar(@recentSearches) == 1) { push @recentSearchMenu, { text => $client->string('RECENT_SEARCHES'), id => 'homeSearchRecent', node => 'home', weight => 111, actions => { go => { cmd => ['jiverecentsearches'], }, }, window => { text => $client->string('RECENT_SEARCHES'), }, }; push @recentSearchMenu, { text => $client->string('RECENT_SEARCHES'), id => 'myMusicSearchRecent', node => 'myMusicSearch', noCustom => 1, weight => 50, actions => { go => { cmd => ['jiverecentsearches'], }, }, window => { text => $client->string('RECENT_SEARCHES'), }, }; if (!$batch) { _notifyJive(\@recentSearchMenu, $client); } } return \@recentSearchMenu; } sub jiveRecentSearchQuery { my $request = shift; main::INFOLOG && $log->info("Begin Function"); # check this is the correct query. if ($request->isNotQuery([['jiverecentsearches']])) { $request->setStatusBadDispatch(); return; } my $totalCount = scalar(@recentSearches); if ($totalCount == 0) { # this is an empty resultset _jiveNoResults($request); } else { my $maxCount = 200; $totalCount = $totalCount > $maxCount ? ($maxCount - 1) : $totalCount; $request->addResult('count', $totalCount); $request->addResult('offset', 0); for my $i (0..$totalCount) { last unless $recentSearches[$i]; my $href = $recentSearches[$i]; for my $key (keys %$href) { $request->addResultLoop('item_loop', $i, $key, $href->{$key}); } } } $request->setStatusDone(); } sub jiveDummyCommand { return; } # The following allow download of extensions (applets, wallpaper and sounds) from SC to jive # hash of providers for extension information my %extensionProviders = (); sub registerExtensionProvider { my $name = shift; my $provider = shift; my $optstr = shift; main::INFOLOG && $log->info("adding extension provider $name" . ($optstr ? " optstr: $optstr" : "")); $extensionProviders{ $name } = { provider => $provider, optstr => $optstr }; } sub removeExtensionProvider { my $name = shift; main::INFOLOG && $log->info("deleting extension provider $name"); delete $extensionProviders{ $name }; } # return all extensions available for a specific type, version and target # uses extension providers to provide a list of extensions available for the query criteria # these are async so they can fetch and parse data to build a list of extensions sub extensionsQuery { my $request = shift; my ($type) = $request->getRequest(0) =~ /jive(applet|wallpaper|sound|patche)s/; # S:P:Extensions always appends 's' to type my $version= $request->getParam('version'); my $target = $request->getParam('target'); my $optstr = $request->getParam('optstr'); if (!defined $type) { $request->setStatusBadDispatch(); return; } my @providers; my $language = $Slim::Utils::Strings::currentLang; # remove optional providers if key is included in the query and it does not match # this allows SP to select whether optional providers are used to build the list for my $provider (keys %extensionProviders) { if (!$optstr || !defined $extensionProviders{$provider}->{'optstr'} || $optstr =~ /$extensionProviders{$provider}->{optstr}/) { push @providers, $provider; } } if (scalar @providers) { $request->privateData( { remaining => scalar @providers, results => [] } ); $request->setStatusProcessing; for my $provider (@providers) { $extensionProviders{$provider}->{'provider'}->( { 'name' => $provider, 'type' => $type, 'target' => $target, 'version'=> $version, 'lang' => $language, 'details'=> 1, 'cb' => \&_extensionsQueryCB, 'pt' => [ $request ] }); } } else { $request->addResult("count", 0); $request->setStatusDone(); } } sub _extensionsQueryCB { my $request= shift; my $res = shift; my $data = $request->privateData; splice @{$data->{'results'}}, 0, 0, @$res; if ( ! --$data->{'remaining'} ) { # create a list of entries with the duplicates removed, favoring higher version numbers # pass 1 - find max versions my $max = {}; for my $entry (@{$data->{'results'}}) { my $name = $entry->{'name'}; if (!defined $max->{$name} || Slim::Utils::Versions->compareVersions($entry->{'version'}, $max->{$name}) > 0) { $max->{$name} = $entry->{'version'}; } } # pass 2 - build list containing single entry for per extension my @results = (); for my $entry (@{$data->{'results'}}) { my $name = $entry->{'name'}; if (exists $max->{$name} && (!defined $max->{$name} || $max->{$name} eq $entry->{'version'})) { push @results, $entry; delete $max->{$name}; } } my $cnt = 0; for my $entry ( sort { $a->{'title'} cmp $b->{'title'} } @results ) { $request->setResultLoopHash('item_loop', $cnt++, $entry); } $request->addResult("count", $cnt); $request->setStatusDone(); } } sub appMenus { my $client = shift; my $batch = shift; my $isInfo = main::INFOLOG && $log->is_info; my $apps = $client->apps; my $menu = []; my $disabledPlugins = Slim::Utils::PluginManager->disabledPlugins(); my @disabled = map { $disabledPlugins->{$_}->{name} } keys %{$disabledPlugins}; # We want to add nodes for the following items: # My Apps (node = null) # Home menu apps (node = home) # If a home menu app is not already defined in @appMenus, # i.e. pure OPML apps such as SomaFM # create one for it using the generic OPML handler for my $app ( keys %{$apps} ) { next unless ref $apps->{$app} eq 'HASH'; # XXX don't crash on old style # Is this app supported by a local plugin? if ( my $plugin = $apps->{$app}->{plugin} ) { # Make sure it's enabled if ( my $pluginInfo = Slim::Utils::PluginManager->isEnabled($plugin) ) { # Get the predefined menu for this plugin if ( my ($globalMenu) = grep { ( $_->{uuid} && lc($_->{uuid}) eq lc($pluginInfo->{id}) ) || ( $_->{text} && $_->{text} eq $pluginInfo->{name} ) } @appMenus ) { main::INFOLOG && $isInfo && $log->info( "App: $app, using plugin $plugin" ); # Clone the existing menu and set the node my $clone = Storable::dclone($globalMenu); # Set node to home or null $clone->{node} = $apps->{$app}->{home_menu} == 1 ? 'home' : ''; # Use title from app list $clone->{stringToken} = $apps->{$app}->{title}; # flag as an app $clone->{isApp} = 1; # use icon as defined by MySB to allow for white-label solutions if ( my $icon = $apps->{$app}->{icon} ) { $icon = Slim::Networking::SqueezeNetwork->url( $icon, 'external' ) unless $icon =~ /^http/; $clone->{window}->{'icon-id'} = $icon ; } push @{$menu}, $clone; } } else { # Bug 13627, Make sure the app is not for a plugin that has been disabled. # We could browse menus for a disabled plugin like, but playback # would be impossible. main::INFOLOG && $isInfo && $log->info( "App: $app, not displaying because plugin is disabled" ); next; } } else { # For type=opml, use generic handler if ( $apps->{$app}->{type} eq 'opml' ) { main::INFOLOG && $isInfo && $log->info( "App: $app, using generic OPML handler" ); my $url = $apps->{$app}->{url} =~ /^http/ ? $apps->{$app}->{url} : Slim::Networking::SqueezeNetwork->url( $apps->{$app}->{url} ); my $icon = $apps->{$app}->{icon} =~ /^http/ ? $apps->{$app}->{icon} : Slim::Networking::SqueezeNetwork->url( $apps->{$app}->{icon}, 'external' ); my $node = $apps->{$app}->{home_menu} == 1 ? 'home' : ''; push @{$menu}, { actions => { go => { cmd => [ 'opml_generic', 'items' ], params => { menu => 'opml_generic', opml_url => $url, }, player => 0, }, }, displayWhenOff => 0, id => 'opml' . $app, isApp => 1, node => $node, text => $apps->{$app}->{title}, window => { 'icon-id' => $icon, }, }; } } } return [] if !scalar @{$menu}; # Alpha sort and add weighting my $weight = 25; # After Search my @sorted = map { $_->{weight} = $weight++; $_ } sort { $a->{text} cmp $b->{text} } @{$menu}; if ( $batch ) { return \@sorted; } else { _notifyJive(\@sorted, $client); } } sub _localizeMenuItemText { my ( $client, $item ) = @_; return unless $client; # Don't alter the global data my $clone = Storable::dclone($item); if ( $clone->{stringToken} ) { if ( $clone->{stringToken} eq uc( $clone->{stringToken} ) && Slim::Utils::Strings::stringExists( $clone->{stringToken} ) ) { $clone->{text} = $client->string( delete $clone->{stringToken} ); } else { $clone->{text} = delete $clone->{stringToken}; } } elsif ( $clone->{text} && $clone->{text} eq uc( $clone->{text} ) && Slim::Utils::Strings::stringExists( $clone->{text} ) ) { $clone->{text} = $client->string( $clone->{text} ); } # call string() for screensaver titles if ( $clone->{screensavers} ) { for my $s ( @{ $clone->{screensavers} } ) { $s->{text} = $client->string( delete $s->{stringToken} ) if $s->{stringToken}; } } # call string() for input text if necessary if ( my $input = $clone->{input} ) { if ( $input->{title} && $input->{title} eq uc( $input->{title} ) ) { $input->{title} = $client->string( $input->{title} ); $input->{help}->{text} = $client->string( $input->{help}->{text} ); $input->{processingPopup}->{text} = $client->string( $input->{processingPopup}->{text} ); $input->{softbutton1} = $client->string( $input->{softbutton1} ); $input->{softbutton2} = $client->string( $input->{softbutton2} ); } } return $clone; } 1;