package Slim::bootstrap; # $Id$ # # Logitech Media Server Copyright 2001-2011 Logitech. # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2 # This code originally lived in - but with other programs # needing to use the same @INC, was broken out into a separate package. # # 2005-11-09 - dsully use strict; use Config; use FindBin qw($Bin); use File::Spec::Functions qw(:ALL); use POSIX ":sys_wait_h"; use Symbol; use Slim::Utils::OSDetect; # loadModules contains some trickery to deal with modules # that need to load XS code. Previously, we would check in a module # under CPAN/arch/$VERSION/auto/... including it's binary parts and # the pure perl parts. This got to be messy and unwieldly, as we have # many copies of (and associated modules) in each version and # arch directory. The new world has only the binary modules in the # arch/$VERSION/auto directories - and single copies of the # corresponding .pm files at the top CPAN/ level. # # This causes a problem in that when we 'use' one of these modules, # the CPAN/ would be loaded, and then Dynaloader would be # called, which loads the architecture specifc parts - But Dynaloader # ignores @INC, and tries to pull from the system install of perl. If # that module exists in the system perl, but the $VERSION's aren't the # same, Dynaloader fails. # # The workaround is to munge @INC and eval'ing the known modules that # we include with Logitech Media Server, first checking our CPAN path, then if # there are any modules that couldn't be loaded, splicing CPAN/ out, # and attempting to load the system version of the module. When we are # done, put our CPAN/ path back in @INC. # # We use Symbol's (included with 5.6+) delete_package() function & # removing the "require" style name from %INC and attempt to load # these modules two different ways. Only the failed modules are tried again. # # Hopefully the actual implmentation below is fairly straightforward # once the problem domain is understood. # Here's what we want to try and load. This will need to be updated # when a new XS based module is added to our CPAN tree. my @default_required_modules = qw(version Time::HiRes DBI EV XML::Parser::Expat HTML::Parser JSON::XS Digest::SHA1 YAML::XS Sub::Name); my @default_optional_modules = (); my $d_startup = (grep { /d_startup/ } @ARGV) ? 1 : 0; my $sigINTcalled = 0; sub loadModules { my ($class, $required_modules, $optional_modules, $libPath) = @_; if (!ref($required_modules) || !scalar @$required_modules) { $required_modules = \@default_required_modules; } # It's ok to pass in an empty array ref to not load any optional modules. if (!ref($optional_modules) || (!scalar @$optional_modules && !ref($optional_modules))) { $optional_modules = \@default_optional_modules; } # If the caller passed in a libPath, use that. Otherwise, default to $Bin if (!$libPath) { $libPath = $Bin; } # NB: Fedora Core 5 (and other SELinux work-arounds) # Change the security context of the .so files we distribute. # Apparently this is doable by a non-root user. So much for secure. if (-d '/etc/selinux' && -x '/usr/bin/chcon') { my $archDir = catdir($libPath, 'CPAN', 'arch'); $d_startup && printf("Found SELinux - setting security context to: texrel_shlib_t for *.so files.\n"); #system("/usr/bin/chcon -R -t texrel_shlib_t $archDir"); } if ($] <= 5.007) { push @$required_modules, qw(Storable Digest::MD5); } my @SlimINC = (); Slim::Utils::OSDetect::init(); if (my $libs = Slim::Utils::OSDetect::dirsFor('libpath')) { # On Debian, RH and SUSE, our CPAN directory is located in the same dir as strings.txt $libPath = $libs; } # NB: The user may be on a platform who's perl reports a # different x86 version than we've supplied - but it may work # anyways. my $arch = $Config::Config{'archname'}; $arch =~ s/^i[3456]86-/i386-/; $arch =~ s/gnu-//; # Check for use64bitint Perls my $is64bitint = $arch =~ /64int/; # Some ARM platforms use different arch strings, just assume any arm*linux system # can run our binaries, this will fail for some people running invalid versions of Perl # but that's OK, they'd be broken anyway. if ( $arch =~ /^arm.*linux/ ) { $arch = 'arm-linux-gnueabi-thread-multi'; $arch .= '-64int' if $is64bitint; } # Same thing with PPC if ( $arch =~ /^(?:ppc|powerpc).*linux/ ) { $arch = 'powerpc-linux-thread-multi'; $arch .= '-64int' if $is64bitint; } my $perlmajorversion = $Config{'version'}; $perlmajorversion =~ s/\.\d+$//; @SlimINC = ( catdir($libPath,'CPAN','arch',$perlmajorversion, $arch), catdir($libPath,'CPAN','arch',$perlmajorversion, $arch, 'auto'), catdir($libPath,'CPAN','arch',$Config{'version'}, $Config::Config{'archname'}), catdir($libPath,'CPAN','arch',$Config{'version'}, $Config::Config{'archname'}, 'auto'), catdir($libPath,'CPAN','arch',$perlmajorversion, $Config::Config{'archname'}), catdir($libPath,'CPAN','arch',$perlmajorversion, $Config::Config{'archname'}, 'auto'), catdir($libPath,'CPAN','arch',$Config::Config{'archname'}), catdir($libPath,'lib'), catdir($libPath,'CPAN'), $libPath, ); $d_startup && printf("Got \@INC containing:\n%s\n\n", join("\n", @INC)); # This works like 'use lib' # prepend our directories to @INC so we look there first. unshift @INC, @SlimINC; $d_startup && printf("Extended \@INC to contain:\n%s\n\n", join("\n", @INC)); # Try and load the modules - some will fail if we don't include the # binaries for that version/architecture combo my @required_failed = tryModuleLoad(@$required_modules, 'nowarn'); my @optional_failed = tryModuleLoad(@$optional_modules, 'nowarn'); if ($d_startup) { print "The following modules are loaded after the first attempt:\n"; print map { "\t$_ => $INC{$_}\n" } keys %INC; print "\n"; } if (scalar @optional_failed && $d_startup) { printf("The following optional modules failed to load on the first attempt: [%s] - will try again\n\n", join(', ', @optional_failed)); } if (scalar @required_failed && $d_startup) { printf("The following modules failed to load on the first attempt: [%s] - will try again.\n\n", join(', ', @required_failed)); } # Remove our paths so we can try loading the failed modules from the default system @INC splice(@INC, 0, scalar @SlimINC); my @required_really_failed = tryModuleLoad(@required_failed, 'nowarn'); my @optional_really_failed = tryModuleLoad(@optional_failed, 'nowarn'); if ($d_startup) { print "The following modules are loaded after the second attempt:\n"; print map { "\t$_ => $INC{$_}\n" } keys %INC; print "\n"; } if (scalar @optional_really_failed && $d_startup) { printf("The following optional modules failed to load: [%s] after their second try.\n\n", join(', ', @optional_really_failed)); } if (scalar @required_really_failed) { my $failed = join(' ', @required_really_failed); print "The following modules failed to load: $failed\n\n"; if ( main::ISWINDOWS ) { print "To run from source on Windows, please install ActivePerl 5.14.1. ActivePerl 5.10.0 is no longer supported.\n"; print "\n\n"; } else { print qq{ ******* NOTE: If you're running some unsupported Linux/Unix platform, please use the script located here: If 7.7 is outdated by the time you read this, Replace "7.7" with the major version You should never need to do this if you're on Windows or Mac OSX. If the installers don't work for you, ask for help and/or report a bug. of Logitech Media Server you are running. ******* \n}; } print "Exiting..\n"; exit; } # And we're done with the trying - put our CPAN path back on @INC. unshift @INC, @SlimINC; # Check that all of our CPAN modules are the correct minimum version my $failed = check_valid_versions(); if ( scalar keys %{$failed} ) { print "The following CPAN modules were found but cannot work with Logitech Media Server:\n"; for my $module ( sort keys %{$failed} ) { if ( $failed->{$module}->{loaded} eq $failed->{$module}->{need} && $failed->{$module}->{msg} ) { print " $module:\n" . $failed->{$module}->{msg} . "\n"; } else { print " $module (loaded " . $failed->{$module}->{loaded} . ", need " . $failed->{$module}->{need} . ")\n"; } } print "\n"; print "To fix this problem you have several options:\n"; print "1. Install the latest version of the module(s) using CPAN: sudo cpan Some::Module\n"; print "2. Update the module's package using apt-get, yum, etc.\n"; print "3. Run the .tar.gz version of Logitech Media Server which includes all required CPAN modules.\n"; print "\n"; exit; } # Load PerfMon if enabled if ( main::PERFMON ) { require Slim::Utils::PerfMon; } $SIG{'PIPE'} = 'IGNORE'; $SIG{'TERM'} = \&sigterm; $SIG{'INT'} = \&sigint; $SIG{'QUIT'} = \&sigquit; } sub tryModuleLoad { my @modules = @_; # if called from loadModules don't warn for modules which fail to load my $warnOnFail = (@modules && $modules[$#modules] eq 'nowarn' && pop @modules) ? 0 : 1; my @failed = (); my (%oldINC, @newModules); for my $module (@modules) { next unless ($module); %oldINC = %INC; # Don't spit out any redefined warnings local $^W = 0; eval "use $module ()"; if ($@) { if ($d_startup || $warnOnFail) { print STDERR "Module [$module] failed to load:\n$@\n"; } # NB: More FC5 / SELinux - in case the above chcon doesn't work. if ($@ =~ /cannot restore segment prot after reloc/) { print STDERR "** Logitech Media Server Error:\n"; print STDERR "** SELinux settings prevented Logitech Media Server from starting.\n"; print STDERR "** See for more information.\n\n"; exit; } push @failed, $module; @newModules = grep { !$oldINC{$_} } keys %INC; for my $newModule (@newModules) { # Don't bother removing/reloading # these, as they're part of core Perl. if ($newModule =~ /^(?:AutoLoader|DynaLoader|XSLoader|Carp|overload|IO|Fcntl|Socket|FileHandle|SelectSaver)/) { next; } my $newModuleSymbol = $newModule; $newModuleSymbol =~ s|/|::|g; $newModuleSymbol =~ s|\.pm$||; # This relies on delete_package returning a true value if it succeeded. my $removed = eval { Symbol::delete_package($newModuleSymbol); }; if ($removed) { $d_startup && print "Removing [$newModuleSymbol] from the symbol table - load failed.\n"; delete $INC{$newModule}; } } } else { $d_startup && print "Loaded module: [$module] ok!\n"; } } if (wantarray) { return @failed; } else { return scalar @failed ? 1 : 0; } } sub check_valid_versions { my $modules; my $failed = {}; # Don't load all these modules in the scanner return $failed if main::SCANNER || main::RESIZER; # don't check validity on Windows binary - it's all built in return $failed if $0 =~ /scanner\.exe/i; my ($dir) = Slim::Utils::OSDetect::dirsFor('types'); open my $fh, '<', catfile( $dir, 'modules.conf' ) or die 'modules.conf not found'; do { local $/ = undef; $modules = <$fh> }; close $fh; for my $line ( split /\n/, $modules ) { next if !main::WEBUI && $line =~ /Template/; next unless $line =~ /^\w+/; chomp $line; my ($mod, $ver, $max_ver) = split /\s+/, $line; # Could parse the module file here using code from Module::Build, # but we will be loading these later anyway, so this is easier. eval "use $mod ()"; if ( !$@ ) { eval { $mod->VERSION( $ver || 0 ); # Check if version is too high if ( $max_ver && $mod->VERSION gt $max_ver ) { die "$mod version " . $mod->VERSION . " is too new, please use version $max_ver\n"; } }; } if ( $@ ) { my $msg = $@; # If the object file is missing we'll get an error but the versions will match if ( $msg =~ /Can't locate loadable object/ ) { $failed->{$mod} = { loaded => $mod->VERSION . ' but missing object file', need => $ver, }; } else { $failed->{$mod} = { loaded => $mod->VERSION || '', need => $ver, msg => $msg, }; } } } return $failed; } sub sigint { Slim::Utils::Log::logger('server')->info('Got sigint'); $sigINTcalled = 1; if ( !$Slim::Web::HTTP::inChild ) { main::cleanup() if defined &main::cleanup; } exit(); } sub sigterm { Slim::Utils::Log::logger('server')->info('Got sigterm'); main::cleanup() if defined &main::cleanup; exit(); } sub ignoresigquit { Slim::Utils::Log::logger('server')->info('Ignoring sigquit'); } sub sigquit { Slim::Utils::Log::logger('server')->info('Got sigquit'); main::cleanup() if defined &main::cleanup; exit(); } # Aliased to END in the server & scanner, as Log::Log4perl installs an END # handler, which needs to run last. sub theEND { Slim::Utils::Log::logger('server')->info('Got to the END'); if ( !$sigINTcalled && !$main::daemon && !$main::stop ) { sigint(); } } 1; __END__