package Slim::Player::Protocols::HTTP; # $Id$ # Logitech Media Server Copyright 2001-2011 Logitech, Vidur Apparao. # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, # version 2. use strict; use base qw(Slim::Formats::RemoteStream); use IO::Socket qw(:crlf); use Scalar::Util qw(blessed); use Slim::Formats::RemoteMetadata; use Slim::Music::Info; use Slim::Utils::Errno; use Slim::Utils::Log; use Slim::Utils::Misc; use Slim::Utils::Prefs; use Slim::Utils::Scanner::Remote; use Slim::Utils::Unicode; use constant MAXCHUNKSIZE => 32768; my $log = logger('player.streaming.remote'); my $directlog = logger(''); my $sourcelog = logger('player.source'); my $prefs = preferences('server'); sub new { my $class = shift; my $args = shift; if (!$args->{'song'}) { logWarning("No song passed!"); # XXX: MusicIP abuses this as a non-async HTTP client, can't return undef # return undef; } my $self = $class->open($args); if (defined($self)) { ${*$self}{'client'} = $args->{'client'}; ${*$self}{'url'} = $args->{'url'}; } return $self; } sub isRemote { 1 } sub readMetaData { my $self = shift; my $client = ${*$self}{'client'}; my $metadataSize = 0; my $byteRead = 0; while ($byteRead == 0) { $byteRead = $self->SUPER::sysread($metadataSize, 1); if ($!) { if ($! ne "Unknown error" && $! != EWOULDBLOCK) { #$log->warn("Warning: Metadata byte not read! $!"); return; } else { #$log->debug("Metadata byte not read, trying again: $!"); } } $byteRead = defined $byteRead ? $byteRead : 0; } $metadataSize = ord($metadataSize) * 16; if ($metadataSize > 0) { main::DEBUGLOG && $log->debug("Metadata size: $metadataSize"); my $metadata; my $metadatapart; do { $metadatapart = ''; $byteRead = $self->SUPER::sysread($metadatapart, $metadataSize); if ($!) { if ($! ne "Unknown error" && $! != EWOULDBLOCK) { #$log->info("Metadata bytes not read! $!"); return; } else { #$log->info("Metadata bytes not read, trying again: $!"); } } $byteRead = 0 if (!defined($byteRead)); $metadataSize -= $byteRead; $metadata .= $metadatapart; } while ($metadataSize > 0); main::INFOLOG && $log->info("Metadata: $metadata"); ${*$self}{'title'} = __PACKAGE__->parseMetadata($client, $self->url, $metadata); } } sub getFormatForURL { my $classOrSelf = shift; my $url = shift; return Slim::Music::Info::typeFromSuffix($url); } sub parseMetadata { my ( $class, $client, undef, $metadata ) = @_; my $url = Slim::Player::Playlist::url( $client, Slim::Player::Source::streamingSongIndex($client) ); # See if there is a parser for this stream my $parser = Slim::Formats::RemoteMetadata->getParserFor( $url ); if ( $parser ) { if ( main::DEBUGLOG && $log->is_debug ) { $log->debug( 'Trying metadata parser ' . Slim::Utils::PerlRunTime::realNameForCodeRef($parser) ); } my $handled = eval { $parser->( $client, $url, $metadata ) }; if ( $@ ) { my $name = Slim::Utils::PerlRunTime::realNameForCodeRef($parser); logger('formats.metadata')->error( "Metadata parser $name failed: $@" ); } return if $handled; } # Assume Icy metadata as first guess if ($metadata =~ (/StreamTitle=\'(.*?)\'(;|$)/)) { main::DEBUGLOG && $log->is_debug && $log->debug("Icy metadata received: $metadata"); # Bug 15896, a stream had CRLF in the metadata $metadata =~ s/\s*[\r\n]+\s*/; /g; my $newTitle = Slim::Utils::Unicode::utf8decode_guess($1); # capitalize titles that are all lowercase # XXX: Why do we do this? Shouldn't we let metadata display as-is? if (lc($newTitle) eq $newTitle) { $newTitle =~ s/ ( (^\w) #at the beginning of the line | # or (\s\w) #preceded by whitespace | # or (-\w) #preceded by dash ) /\U$1/xg; } # Check for an image URL in the metadata. my $artworkUrl; if ( $metadata =~ /StreamUrl=\'([^']+)\'/ ) { $artworkUrl = $1; if ( $artworkUrl !~ /\.(?:jpe?g|gif|png)$/i ) { $artworkUrl = undef; } } my $cb = sub { Slim::Music::Info::setCurrentTitle($url, $newTitle, $client); if ($artworkUrl) { my $cache = Slim::Utils::Cache->new(); $cache->set( "remote_image_$url", $artworkUrl, 3600 ); if ( my $song = $client->playingSong() ) { $song->pluginData( httpCover => $artworkUrl ); } main::DEBUGLOG && $directlog->debug("Updating stream artwork to $artworkUrl"); }; }; # Delay metadata according to buffer size if we already have metadata if ( $client->metaTitle() ) { Slim::Music::Info::setDelayedCallback( $client, $cb ); } else { $cb->(); } } # Check for Ogg metadata, which is formatted as a series of # 2-byte length/string pairs. elsif ( $metadata =~ /^Ogg(.+)/s ) { my $comments = $1; my $meta = {}; while ( $comments ) { my $length = unpack 'n', substr( $comments, 0, 2, '' ); my $value = substr $comments, 0, $length, ''; main::DEBUGLOG && $directlog->is_debug && $directlog->debug("Ogg comment: $value"); # Bug 15896, a stream had CRLF in the metadata $metadata =~ s/\s*[\r\n]+\s*/; /g; # Look for artist/title/album if ( $value =~ /ARTIST=(.+)/i ) { $meta->{artist} = $1; } elsif ( $value =~ /ALBUM=(.+)/i ) { $meta->{album} = $1; } elsif ( $value =~ /TITLE=(.+)/i ) { $meta->{title} = $1; } } # Re-use wmaMeta field my $song = $client->controller()->songStreamController()->song(); my $cb = sub { $song->pluginData( wmaMeta => $meta ); Slim::Music::Info::setCurrentTitle($url, $meta->{title}, $client) if $meta->{title}; }; # Delay metadata according to buffer size if we already have metadata if ( $song->pluginData('wmaMeta') ) { Slim::Music::Info::setDelayedCallback( $client, $cb, 'output-only' ); } else { $cb->(); } return; } return undef; } sub canDirectStream { my ($classOrSelf, $client, $url, $inType) = @_; if ( !main::SLIM_SERVICE ) { # When synced, we don't direct stream so that the server can proxy a single # stream for all players if ( $client->isSynced(1) ) { if ( main::INFOLOG && $directlog->is_info ) { $directlog->info(sprintf( "[%s] Not direct streaming because player is synced", $client->id )); } return 0; } # Allow user pref to select the method for streaming if ( my $method = $prefs->client($client)->get('mp3StreamingMethod') ) { if ( $method == 1 ) { main::DEBUGLOG && $directlog->debug("Not direct streaming because of mp3StreamingMethod pref"); return 0; } } } # Strip noscan info from URL $url =~ s/#slim:.+$//; return $url; } sub sysread { my $self = $_[0]; my $chunkSize = $_[2]; my $metaInterval = ${*$self}{'metaInterval'}; my $metaPointer = ${*$self}{'metaPointer'}; if ($metaInterval && ($metaPointer + $chunkSize) > $metaInterval) { $chunkSize = $metaInterval - $metaPointer; # This is very verbose... #$log->debug("Reduced chunksize to $chunkSize for metadata"); } my $readLength = CORE::sysread($self, $_[1], $chunkSize, length($_[1] || '')); if ($metaInterval && $readLength) { $metaPointer += $readLength; ${*$self}{'metaPointer'} = $metaPointer; # handle instream metadata for shoutcast/icecast if ($metaPointer == $metaInterval) { $self->readMetaData(); ${*$self}{'metaPointer'} = 0; } elsif ($metaPointer > $metaInterval) { main::DEBUGLOG && $log->debug("The shoutcast metadata overshot the interval."); } } return $readLength; } sub parseDirectHeaders { my ( $self, $client, $url, @headers ) = @_; my $isDebug = main::DEBUGLOG && $directlog->is_debug; # May get a track object if ( blessed($url) ) { $url = $url->url; } my ($title, $bitrate, $metaint, $redir, $contentType, $length, $body); my ($rangeLength, $startOffset); foreach my $header (@headers) { # Tidy up header to make no stray nulls or \n have been left by caller. $header =~ s/[\0]*$//; $header =~ s/\r/\n/g; $header =~ s/\n\n/\n/g; $isDebug && $directlog->debug("header-ds: $header"); if ($header =~ /^(?:ic[ey]-name|x-audiocast-name):\s*(.+)/i) { $title = Slim::Utils::Unicode::utf8decode_guess($1); } elsif ($header =~ /^(?:icy-br|x-audiocast-bitrate):\s*(.+)/i) { $bitrate = $1; $bitrate *= 1000 if $bitrate < 1000; } elsif ($header =~ /^icy-metaint:\s*(.+)/i) { $metaint = $1; } elsif ($header =~ /^Location:\s*(.*)/i) { $redir = $1; } elsif ($header =~ /^Content-Type:\s*(.*)/i) { $contentType = $1; } elsif ($header =~ /^Content-Length:\s*(.*)/i) { $length = $1; } elsif ($header =~ m%^Content-Range:\s+bytes\s+(\d+)-(\d+)/(\d+)%i) { $rangeLength = $3; $startOffset = $1; } # mp3tunes metadata, this is a bit of hack but creating # an mp3tunes protocol handler is overkill elsif ( $url =~ /mp3tunes\.com/ && $header =~ /^X-Locker-Info:\s*(.+)/i ) { Slim::Plugin::MP3tunes::Plugin->setLockerInfo( $client, $url, $1 ); } } # Content-Range: has predecence over Content-Length: if ($rangeLength) { $length = $rangeLength; } my $song = ${*self}{'song'} if blessed $self; if (!$song && $client->controller()->songStreamController()) { $song = $client->controller()->songStreamController()->song(); } if ($song && $length) { my $seekdata = $song->seekdata(); if ($startOffset && $seekdata && $seekdata->{restartOffset} && $seekdata->{sourceStreamOffset} && $startOffset > $seekdata->{sourceStreamOffset}) { $startOffset = $seekdata->{sourceStreamOffset}; } my $streamLength = $length; $streamLength -= $startOffset if $startOffset; $song->streamLength($streamLength); # However we got here, we want to know that we did not start at the beginning, if possible if ($startOffset) { # Assume saved duration is more accurate that by calculating from length and bitrate my $duration = Slim::Music::Info::getDuration($url); $duration ||= $length * 8 / $bitrate if $bitrate; if ($duration) { main::INFOLOG && $directlog->info("Setting startOffest based on Content-Range to ", $duration * ($startOffset/$length)); $song->startOffset($duration * ($startOffset/$length)); } } } $contentType = Slim::Music::Info::mimeToType($contentType); if ( !$contentType ) { # Bugs 7225, 7423 # Default contentType to mp3 as some servers don't send the type # or send an invalid type we don't include in types.conf $contentType = 'mp3'; } return ($title, $bitrate, $metaint, $redir, $contentType, $length, $body); } =head2 parseHeaders( @headers ) Parse the response headers from an HTTP request, and set instance variables based on items in the response, eg: bitrate, content type. Updates the client's streamingProgressBar with the correct duration. =cut # XXX Still a lot of duplication here with Squeezebox2::directHeaders() sub parseHeaders { my $self = shift; my $url = $self->url; my $client = $self->client; my ($title, $bitrate, $metaint, $redir, $contentType, $length, $body) = $self->parseDirectHeaders($client, $url, @_); if ($contentType) { if (($contentType =~ /text/i) && !($contentType =~ /text\/xml/i)) { # webservers often lie about playlists. This will # make it guess from the suffix. (unless text/xml) $contentType = ''; } ${*$self}{'contentType'} = $contentType; Slim::Music::Info::setContentType( $url, $contentType ); } ${*$self}{'redirect'} = $redir; ${*$self}{'contentLength'} = $length if $length; ${*$self}{'song'}->isLive($length ? 0 : 1) if !$redir; # Always prefer the title returned in the headers of a radio station if ( $title ) { main::INFOLOG && $log->is_info && $log->info( "Setting new title for $url, $title" ); Slim::Music::Info::setCurrentTitle( $url, $title ); # Bug 7979, Only update the database title if this item doesn't already have a title my $curTitle = Slim::Music::Info::title($url); if ( !$curTitle || $curTitle =~ /^(?:http|mms)/ ) { Slim::Music::Info::setTitle( $url, $title ); } } if ($bitrate) { main::INFOLOG && $log->is_info && $log->info(sprintf("Bitrate for %s set to %d", $self->infoUrl, $bitrate, )); ${*$self}{'bitrate'} = $bitrate; Slim::Music::Info::setBitrate( $self->infoUrl, $bitrate ); } elsif ( !$self->bitrate ) { # Bitrate may have been set in Scanner by reading the mp3 stream $bitrate = ${*$self}{'bitrate'} = Slim::Music::Info::getBitrate( $url ); } if ($metaint) { ${*$self}{'metaInterval'} = $metaint; ${*$self}{'metaPointer'} = 0; } # See if we have an existing track object with duration info for this stream. if ( my $secs = Slim::Music::Info::getDuration( $url ) ) { # Display progress bar $client->streamingProgressBar( { 'url' => $url, 'duration' => $secs, } ); } else { if ( $bitrate > 0 && defined $self->contentLength && $self->contentLength > 0 ) { # if we know the bitrate and length of a stream, display a progress bar if ( $bitrate < 1000 ) { ${*$self}{'bitrate'} *= 1000; } $client->streamingProgressBar( { 'url' => $url, 'bitrate' => $self->bitrate, 'length' => $self->contentLength, } ); } } # Bug 6482, refresh the cached Track object in the client playlist from the database # so it picks up any changed data such as title, bitrate, etc Slim::Player::Playlist::refreshTrack( $client, $url ); return; } =head2 requestString( $client, $url, [ $post, [ $seekdata ] ] ) Generate a HTTP request string suitable for sending to a HTTP server. =cut sub requestString { my $self = shift; my $client = shift; my $url = shift; my $post = shift; my $seekdata = shift; my ($server, $port, $path, $user, $password) = Slim::Utils::Misc::crackURL($url); # Use full path for proxy servers my $proxy; if ( main::SLIM_SERVICE ) { # Let user specify their own proxy to use $proxy = $prefs->client($client)->get('webproxy'); } else { $proxy = $prefs->get('webproxy'); } if ( $proxy && $server !~ /(?:localhost| ) { $path = "http://$server:$port$path"; } my $type = $post ? 'POST' : 'GET'; # Although the port can be part of the Host: header, some hosts (such # as don't like it, and will infinitely redirect. # According to the spec, # The port is optional if it's 80, so follow that rule. my $host = $port == 80 ? $server : "$server:$port"; # Special case, for the fallback-alarm, disable Icy Metadata, or our own # server will try and send it my $want_icy = 1; if ( $path =~ m{/slim-backup-alarm.mp3$} ) { $want_icy = 0; } # make the request my $request = join($CRLF, ( "$type $path HTTP/1.0", "Accept: */*", "Cache-Control: no-cache", "User-Agent: " . Slim::Utils::Misc::userAgentString(), "Icy-MetaData: $want_icy", "Connection: close", "Host: $host", )); if (defined($user) && defined($password)) { $request .= $CRLF . "Authorization: Basic " . MIME::Base64::encode_base64($user . ":" . $password,''); } $client->songBytes(0) if $client; # If seeking, add Range header if ($client && $seekdata) { $request .= $CRLF . 'Range: bytes=' . int( $seekdata->{sourceStreamOffset} + $seekdata->{restartOffset}) . '-'; if (defined $seekdata->{timeOffset}) { # Fix progress bar $client->playingSong()->startOffset($seekdata->{timeOffset}); $client->master()->remoteStreamStartTime( Time::HiRes::time() - $seekdata->{timeOffset} ); } $client->songBytes(int( $seekdata->{sourceStreamOffset} )); } # Send additional information if we're POSTing if ($post) { $request .= $CRLF . "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded"; $request .= $CRLF . sprintf("Content-Length: %d", length($post)); $request .= $CRLF . $CRLF . $post . $CRLF; } else { $request .= $CRLF . $CRLF; } # Bug 5858, add cookies to the request if ( !main::SLIM_SERVICE ) { my $request_object = HTTP::Request->parse($request); $request_object->uri($url); Slim::Networking::Async::HTTP::cookie_jar->add_cookie_header( $request_object ); $request_object->uri($path); # Bug 9709, strip long cookies from the request $request_object->headers->scan( sub { if ( $_[0] eq 'Cookie' ) { if ( length($_[1]) > 512 ) { $request_object->headers->remove_header('Cookie'); } } } ); $request = $request_object->as_string( $CRLF ); } return $request; } sub scanUrl { my ( $class, $url, $args ) = @_; Slim::Utils::Scanner::Remote->scanURL($url, $args); } # Allow mp3tunes tracks to be scrobbled sub audioScrobblerSource { my ( $class, $client, $url ) = @_; if ( $url =~ /mp3tunes\.com/ ) { # Scrobble mp3tunes as 'chosen by user' content return 'P'; } # R (radio source) return 'R'; } sub getMetadataFor { my ( $class, $client, $url, $forceCurrent ) = @_; # Check for an alternate metadata provider for this URL my $provider = Slim::Formats::RemoteMetadata->getProviderFor($url); if ( $provider ) { my $metadata = eval { $provider->( $client, $url ) }; if ( $@ ) { my $name = Slim::Utils::PerlRunTime::realNameForCodeRef($provider); $log->error( "Metadata provider $name failed: $@" ); } elsif ( scalar keys %{$metadata} ) { return $metadata; } } # Check for parsed WMA metadata, this is here because WMA may # use HTTP protocol handler if ( my $song = $client->playingSong() ) { if ( my $meta = $song->pluginData('wmaMeta') ) { my $data = {}; if ( $meta->{artist} ) { $data->{artist} = $meta->{artist}; } if ( $meta->{album} ) { $data->{album} = $meta->{album}; } if ( $meta->{title} ) { $data->{title} = $meta->{title}; } if ( $meta->{cover} ) { $data->{cover} = $meta->{cover}; } if ( scalar keys %{$data} ) { return $data; } } } my ($artist, $title); # Radio tracks, return artist and title if the metadata looks like Artist - Title if ( my $currentTitle = Slim::Music::Info::getCurrentTitle( $client, $url ) ) { my @dashes = $currentTitle =~ /( - )/g; if ( scalar @dashes == 1 ) { ($artist, $title) = split / - /, $currentTitle; } else { $title = $currentTitle; } } # Remember playlist URL my $playlistURL = $url; # Check for radio URLs with cached covers my $cache = Slim::Utils::Cache->new(); my $cover; if ( main::SLIM_SERVICE ) { # Only try to fetch from cache once to avoid spamming memcached # This makes sense for SBS too but I'm not sure if it will # break something, i.e. delayed metadata after the first call if ( my $song = $client->playingSong() ) { $cover = $song->pluginData('httpCover'); if ( !defined $cover ) { $cover = $song->pluginData( httpCover => $cache->get( "remote_image_$url" ) || '' ); } } } else { $cover = $cache->get( "remote_image_$url" ); } # Item may be a playlist, so get the real URL playing if ( Slim::Music::Info::isPlaylist($url) ) { if (my $cur = $client->currentTrackForUrl($url)) { $url = $cur->url; } } # Remote streams may include ID3 tags with embedded artwork # Example: my $track = Slim::Schema->objectForUrl( { url => $url, } ); return {} unless $track; if ( $track->cover ) { # XXX should remote tracks use coverid? $cover = '/music/' . $track->id . '/cover.jpg'; } $artist ||= $track->artistName; if ( $url =~ /archive\.org/ || $url =~ m|squeezenetwork\.com.+/lma/| ) { if ( Slim::Utils::PluginManager->isEnabled('Slim::Plugin::LMA::Plugin') ) { my $icon = Slim::Plugin::LMA::Plugin->_pluginDataFor('icon'); return { title => $title, cover => $cover || $icon, icon => $icon, type => 'Live Music Archive', }; } } elsif ( $playlistURL =~ /radioio/i ) { if ( main::SLIM_SERVICE || Slim::Plugin::InternetRadio::Plugin::RadioIO->can('_pluginDataFor') ) { # RadioIO my $icon = main::SLIM_SERVICE ? '' : Slim::Plugin::InternetRadio::Plugin::RadioIO->_pluginDataFor('icon'); return { artist => $artist, title => $title, cover => $icon, icon => $icon, type => 'MP3 (RadioIO)', }; } } else { if ( (my $handler = Slim::Player::ProtocolHandlers->handlerForURL($url)) !~ /^(?:$class|Slim::Player::Protocols::MMS)$/ ) { if ( $handler && $handler->can('getMetadataFor') ) { return $handler->getMetadataFor( $client, $url ); } } my $type = uc( $track->content_type ) . ' ' . ( defined $client ? $client->string('RADIO') : Slim::Utils::Strings::string('RADIO') ); return { artist => $artist, title => $title, type => $type, bitrate => $track->prettyBitRate, duration => $track->secs, cover => $cover, }; } return {}; } sub getIcon { my ( $class, $url ) = @_; my $handler; if ( ($handler = Slim::Player::ProtocolHandlers->iconHandlerForURL($url)) && ref $handler eq 'CODE' ) { return &{$handler}; } if ( main::SLIM_SERVICE ) { return Slim::Networking::SqueezeNetwork->url('/static/images/icons/radio.png', 'external'); } return 'html/images/radio.png'; } sub canSeek { my ( $class, $client, $song ) = @_; $client = $client->master(); # Can only seek if bitrate and duration are known my $bitrate = $song->bitrate(); my $seconds = $song->duration(); if ( !$bitrate || !$seconds ) { #$log->debug( "bitrate: $bitrate, duration: $seconds" ); #$log->debug( "Unknown bitrate or duration, seek disabled" ); return 0; } return 1; } sub canSeekError { my ( $class, $client, $song ) = @_; my $url = $song->currentTrack()->url; my $ct = Slim::Music::Info::contentType($url); if ( $ct ne 'mp3' ) { return ( 'SEEK_ERROR_TYPE_NOT_SUPPORTED', $ct ); } if ( !$song->bitrate() ) { main::INFOLOG && $log->info("bitrate unknown for: " . $url); return 'SEEK_ERROR_MP3_UNKNOWN_BITRATE'; } elsif ( !$song->duration() ) { return 'SEEK_ERROR_MP3_UNKNOWN_DURATION'; } return 'SEEK_ERROR_MP3'; } sub getSeekData { my ( $class, $client, $song, $newtime ) = @_; # Determine byte offset and song length in bytes my $bitrate = $song->bitrate() || return; $bitrate /= 1000; main::INFOLOG && $log->info( "Trying to seek $newtime seconds into $bitrate kbps" ); return { sourceStreamOffset => ( ( $bitrate * 1000 ) / 8 ) * $newtime, timeOffset => $newtime, }; } sub getSeekDataByPosition { my ($class, $client, $song, $bytesReceived) = @_; my $seekdata = $song->seekdata() || {}; return {%$seekdata, restartOffset => $bytesReceived}; } # reinit is used on SN to maintain seamless playback when bumped to another instance sub reinit { my ( $class, $client, $song ) = @_; main::DEBUGLOG && $log->debug("Re-init HTTP"); # Back to Now Playing Slim::Buttons::Common::pushMode( $client, 'playlist' ); # Trigger event logging timer for this stream Slim::Control::Request::notifyFromArray( $client, [ 'playlist', 'newsong', Slim::Music::Info::standardTitle( $client, $song->streamUrl() ), 0 ] ); return 1; } 1; __END__