#!/usr/bin/perl -ICPAN # Logitech Media Server Copyright 2001-2009 Logitech. # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, # version 2. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # require 5.008_001; use constant SPLASH_LOGO => 'lms_splash.png'; use constant ISWINDOWS => ( $^O =~ /^m?s?win/i ) ? 1 : 0; use constant ISMAC => ( $^O =~ /darwin/i ) ? 1 : 0; # don't use Wx, if script is run using perl on OSX, it needs to be run using wxperl my $splash; my $useWx = (!ISMAC || $^X =~ /wxPerl/i) && eval { require Wx; showSplashScreen(); require Wx::Event; require Slim::GUI::ControlPanel; return 1; }; print "$@\n" if $@ && ISWINDOWS; use strict; use Socket; use utf8; use constant SLIM_SERVICE => 0; use constant SCANNER => 0; use constant RESIZER => 0; use constant DEBUG => 1; use constant TRANSCODING => 0; use constant PERFMON => 0; use constant DEBUGLOG => 0; use constant INFOLOG => 0; use constant STATISTICS => 0; use constant SB1SLIMP3SYNC=> 0; use constant WEBUI => 0; # load these later, don't need them right now require File::Path; require File::Spec::Functions; require Getopt::Long; require Slim::Utils::OSDetect; require Slim::Utils::Light; our $VERSION = '7.8.0'; BEGIN { if (ISWINDOWS) { eval { require Wx::Perl::Packager; } } } if (DEBUG && $@) { print "GUI can't be loaded: $@\n"; } my ($os); sub main { Slim::Utils::OSDetect::init(); $os = Slim::Utils::OSDetect->getOS(); if (checkForSC() && !$useWx) { print sprintf("\n%s\n\n", Slim::Utils::Light::string('CLEANUP_PLEASE_STOP_SC')); exit; } my ($all, $cache, $filecache, $database, $prefs, $logs, $dryrun); Getopt::Long::GetOptions( 'all' => \$all, 'cache' => \$cache, 'filecache' => \$filecache, 'prefs' => \$prefs, 'logs' => \$logs, 'database' => \$database, 'dryrun' => \$dryrun, ); my $folders = getFolderList({ 'all' => $all, 'cache' => $cache, 'filecache' => $filecache, 'prefs' => $prefs, 'logs' => $logs, 'database' => $database, }); unless (scalar @$folders) { # show simple GUI if possible if ($useWx) { my $app = Slim::GUI::ControlPanel->new({ folderCB => \&getFolderList, cleanCB => \&cleanup, options => options(), }); $splash->Destroy(); $app->MainLoop; exit; } else { usage(); exit; } } cleanup($folders, $dryrun); print sprintf("\n%s\n\n", Slim::Utils::Light::string('CLEANUP_PLEASE_RESTART_SC')); } sub usage { my $usage = <dirsFor('cache'); push @folders, _target('cache', 'cache') if ($args->{all} || $args->{cache}); if ($args->{all} || $args->{prefs} || $args->{cache} || $args->{filecache} || $args->{logs} || $args->{database}) { push @folders, { label => 'some legacy files', folders => [ File::Spec::Functions::catdir($cacheFolder, 'MySQL'), File::Spec::Functions::catdir($cacheFolder, 'my.cnf'), File::Spec::Functions::catdir($cacheFolder, 'squeezecenter-mysql.pid'), File::Spec::Functions::catdir($cacheFolder, 'squeezecenter-mysql.sock'), File::Spec::Functions::catdir($cacheFolder, 'mysql-error-log.txt'), File::Spec::Functions::catdir($cacheFolder, 'squeezebox.db'), File::Spec::Functions::catdir($cacheFolder, 'squeezebox.db-shm'), File::Spec::Functions::catdir($cacheFolder, 'squeezebox.db-wal'), File::Spec::Functions::catdir($cacheFolder, 'squeezebox-persistent.db'), File::Spec::Functions::catdir($cacheFolder, 'squeezebox-persistent.db-shm'), File::Spec::Functions::catdir($cacheFolder, 'squeezebox-persistent.db-wal'), File::Spec::Functions::catdir($cacheFolder, 'ArtworkCache.db'), File::Spec::Functions::catdir($cacheFolder, 'ArtworkCache.db-shm'), File::Spec::Functions::catdir($cacheFolder, 'ArtworkCache.db-wal'), ], }; } if ($args->{filecache}) { push @folders, { label => 'file cache (artwork, templates etc.)', folders => [ File::Spec::Functions::catdir($cacheFolder, 'Artwork'), File::Spec::Functions::catdir($cacheFolder, 'ArtworkCache'), File::Spec::Functions::catdir($cacheFolder, 'iTunesArtwork'), File::Spec::Functions::catdir($cacheFolder, 'FileCache'), File::Spec::Functions::catdir($cacheFolder, 'fonts.bin'), File::Spec::Functions::catdir($cacheFolder, 'strings.bin'), File::Spec::Functions::catdir($cacheFolder, 'templates'), File::Spec::Functions::catdir($cacheFolder, 'updates'), File::Spec::Functions::catdir($cacheFolder, 'cookies.dat'), File::Spec::Functions::catdir($cacheFolder, 'plugin-data.yaml'), File::Spec::Functions::catdir($cacheFolder, 'cache.db'), File::Spec::Functions::catdir($cacheFolder, 'cache.db-shm'), File::Spec::Functions::catdir($cacheFolder, 'cache.db-wal'), File::Spec::Functions::catdir($cacheFolder, 'artwork.db'), File::Spec::Functions::catdir($cacheFolder, 'artwork.db-shm'), File::Spec::Functions::catdir($cacheFolder, 'artwork.db-wal'), ], }; } if ($args->{database}) { push @folders, { label => 'Musiclibrary data', folders => [ File::Spec::Functions::catdir($cacheFolder, 'libmediascan.db'), File::Spec::Functions::catdir($cacheFolder, '__db.001'), File::Spec::Functions::catdir($cacheFolder, '__db.002'), File::Spec::Functions::catdir($cacheFolder, '__db.003'), File::Spec::Functions::catdir($cacheFolder, 'library.db'), File::Spec::Functions::catdir($cacheFolder, 'library.db-shm'), File::Spec::Functions::catdir($cacheFolder, 'library.db-wal'), File::Spec::Functions::catdir($cacheFolder, 'persist.db'), File::Spec::Functions::catdir($cacheFolder, 'persist.db-shm'), File::Spec::Functions::catdir($cacheFolder, 'persist.db-wal'), ], }; } if ($args->{all} || $args->{prefs}) { push @folders, _target('prefs', 'preferences'); push @folders, _target('oldprefs', 'old preferences (SlimServer <= 6.5)'); } push @folders, _target('log', 'logs') if ($args->{all} || $args->{logs}); return \@folders; } sub _target { my ($value, $label) = @_; my $f = $os->dirsFor($value); return { label => $label, folders => [ $f ], }; } sub options { my $options = [ { name => 'prefs', title => Slim::Utils::Light::string('CLEANUP_PREFS'), position => [30, 20], }, { name => 'filecache', title => Slim::Utils::Light::string('CLEANUP_FILECACHE'), position => [30, 40], }, { name => 'database', title => Slim::Utils::Light::string('CLEANUP_DB'), position => [30, 60], }, { name => 'logs', title => Slim::Utils::Light::string('CLEANUP_LOGS'), position => [30, 80], }, { name => 'cache', title => Slim::Utils::Light::string('CLEANUP_CACHE'), position => [30, 120], }, { name => 'all', title => '(!) ' . Slim::Utils::Light::string('CLEANUP_ALL'), position => [30, 160], }, ]; return $options; } sub checkForSC { my $iaddr = inet_aton(''); my $paddr = sockaddr_in(3483, $iaddr); socket(SSERVER, PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, getprotobyname('tcp')); if (connect(SSERVER, $paddr)) { close(SSERVER); return 1; } return 0; } sub cleanup { my ($folders, $dryrun) = @_; for my $item (@$folders) { print sprintf("\n%s %s...\n", Slim::Utils::Light::string('CLEANUP_DELETING'), $item->{label}) unless $useWx; foreach ( @{$item->{folders}} ) { next unless $_; print "-> $_\n" if (-e $_ && !$useWx); next if $dryrun; if (-d $_) { File::Path::rmtree($_); } elsif (-f $_) { unlink $_; } } } } sub showSplashScreen { return unless $^O =~ /win/i; my $file; if (defined $PerlApp::VERSION) { $file = PerlApp::extract_bound_file(SPLASH_LOGO); } if (!$file || !-f $file) { $file = '../platforms/win32/res/' . SPLASH_LOGO; } Wx::Image::AddHandler(Wx::PNGHandler->new()); if (my $bitmap = Wx::Bitmap->new($file, Wx::wxBITMAP_TYPE_PNG())) { $splash = Wx::SplashScreen->new( $bitmap, Wx::wxSPLASH_CENTRE_ON_SCREEN() | Wx::wxSPLASH_NO_TIMEOUT(), 0, undef, -1, [-1, -1], [-1, -1], Wx::wxSIMPLE_BORDER() | Wx::wxSTAY_ON_TOP() ); } } main(); __END__